When to listen?
The brainwave sessions from The Unexplainable Store cover all the 4 brainwave ranges (Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta). And each recording's range is specified under the name of the product in the "Purchase Now" box on the individual sales pages. Once you know each recording’s range, please check the following guidelines:
Beta- Awake alert and active
Alpha- Very comfortable but conscious and aware
Theta- You are dreamy not able to physically function without flaws
Delta- You should be lying down comfortably and you may go all the way down to Sleep
Attention: Don't exercise while listening to Delta - Don't sleep while listening to Beta. Never operate anything dangerous when listening.
Based on the chart above, we know that Delta and Theta should be played right before you are about to fall asleep. You can listen to Alpha and Beta during the day when you want.
How often and how long to listen to the recording?
There is no set rule. It all depends on how comfortable you are with the recording. We have customers using on a daily basis, and others once every other day. It also takes time for your brain to get used to an altered state of mind, so start with once a day. If you feel comfortable, you may listen twice a day. When your brain enters the altered state, you can use the recording less frequently, and eventually not using t at all. We recommend keeping your listening hours to under 3 per day.
Other tips:
Listen to them when you will not be disturbed.
It doesn’t matter if anyone else is in the room with you but the point is to make sure you will not be disturbed for the entire length of the brainwave session. The next thing is to turn off all electronics (except for the device you are using to listen to them). That means no television, no radio, no computer, no telephone, etc. All of these things will hinder your ability to relax and tune into the subconscious mind. Use your brainwave sessions time as a time for quiet, relaxation and no outside distractions or influences.

Once again this has to do with shutting out the outside world. When our eyes are open we are continually using the conscious mind to take in our surroundings and this can make it very difficult to stop the mind chatter. If you can listen to the recordings with eyes closed, your results will be far greater. Of course, if you are more concentrated when your eyes are open, you can also open your eyes while enjoying the brainwave entrainment.
Allow yourself enough time to relax for a little while after you are finished your session.
Of course you do not have to sleep afterwards but it is nice to give yourself the time needed to digest your experience and come back to your current reality.
Listen regularly
For best results, you should listen to your recordings regularly, as the effects can be cumulative. So do your best to set some time aside each day to listen. It might seem hard to make this time at first, but once you’ve got into the habit, you’ll find you don’t want to miss it.
Listen in a suitable environment
You’ll want to wear comfortable clothing (even with the help of brainwave entrainment, it’s hard to get into a relaxed state when your waistband is too tight!), and have a comfortable surface to sit or lie down on. Sitting upright in a supportive chair might be the best option, as many people find they drift off to sleep if they lie down. But it’s best to experiment and find what works for you.
Get the volume right
Brainwave entrainment recordings need to be audible to be effective. However you shouldn’t make the mistake of turning them up too loud, as this can result in a headache. So make sure you listen at a comfortable volume, especially when you’re using headphones.
Give it time
You need patience and consistency. While many people do experience fantastic results from brainwave entrainment recordings the very first time they listen, this isn’t always the case. Does this mean the recording is a dud, or that brainwave synchronization just doesn’t work for you? Not necessarily. Sometimes it takes several sessions with a recording to bring the full benefits. Also, some people appear to be more resistant to the effects of Isochronic tones and other brainwave entrainment methods. If you’re one of them, this doesn’t mean it’ll never work for you, just that you might need to give it more time and effort than others. At least give a recording a few weeks of consistent use before writing it off.
The Unexplainable Store