Here are the features of delta brainwaves:
a) Produced by the unconscious mind and during deep, dreamless sleep.
b) Deep trance-like, non-physical state, loss of body awareness.
c) Intuition and psychic awareness, enabling knowledge of information that isn't available on conscious level.
d) Gateway to unconscious & collective unconscious, access to universal psyche or mind.
Something we need to know about delta brainwaves:
a) In the final stages of pregnancy, the baby in the womb has delta brainwaves as its dominant state. That baby will be pretty chilled out.
b) uring infancy, from around 3 months to 1 year (approximately) delta brainwaves are the dominant level of brainwave activity.
c) Before we die, delta brainwaves are the final waves that we produce.
d) We get delta waves when we are in a deep, non-dreaming sleep.
e) It is a seemingly unconscious state - there is very little recall of memory from people who have been experiencing delta brainwaves. It's like we're just off somewhere else...
f) It is linked with production of HGH (Human Growth Hormone), and lots of other "good" chemicals in the body, which Binaural beats and Isochronic tones are also good at doing so too.
Boosted intuition and psychic skills
The slower, delta brainwaves have long been linked to boosted intuition and even the cultivation of psychic skills in certain individuals. Researchers have found that individuals who usually have an uncanny intuition and possibly psychic abilities usually have delta brainwaves appearing in their waking times. Think of delta brainwaves as a radar system that helps our intuition sense when any form of danger is lurking. Though we don’t always need to sense danger via gut instinct or intuition, delta brainwaves can be a great form of help. Delta brainwaves are a very indigenous, animalistic, primal-type brainwave rhythm that gives us a deeper sense of instinct. Basically, the delta brainwaves allow us to be more aware of information that isn’t available to our conscious, beta-brainwave fueled, brains.

Healing the mind and body
Brainwaves in the delta range have been linked to healing the mind and body of a wide-variety of ailments and illnesses. Researchers have even discovered that within the delta brainwave range, some frequencies are even able to produce healthy substances such as H.G.H... When the delta rhythms run through our brain, it naturally produces a different set of neurotransmitters and substances. Another benefit of increasing the amount of delta brainwaves is the reduced production of the stress hormone called cortisol. Reducing cortisol is great for the body and brain! Why? Because increased levels of cortisol can and will actually kill brain cells, plus speed up the process of physical and mental aging.
Delta brainwaves to master the brain?
The rhythms of delta brainwaves allow us to tap into universal knowledge, or the mind beyond our own. This universal knowledge has been referred to as the collective unconscious which is comparable to one large pool of the collective knowledge and understanding all of humanity. The delta brainwaves give our minds’ the opportunity to enter the gateway which connects our intuition with the collective unconscious.
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