Thursday, March 3, 2016

Astral Projection – An Out-of-Body Experience

Have you ever had an out-of-body experience? Or, have you ever heard about it? In Astral Projection, the existence of astral body separates from the physical body and travel outside of it. Some people call it “afterlife” experience as well, as according to them, souls in reality don’t need a physical body; they’ve the power to travel on their own. The idea of astral travel is already rooted in various religious accounts; it’s indeed that concept which provides a religion immense strength and gives it a power to influence people on a massive scale. However, the real question is, can you experience astral projection now, even if you aren’t a saint or a gifted person? The answer is, “Yes!” You can experience astral projection, no matter who you’re.


The history of astral projection is quite rich. It starts from the era of Bible, where some claim that Bible contains mentions of astral projection meditation. But, Bible isn’t the only limit. Even the ancient Egyptian literature exhibits the soul as having the ability to hover outside the physical body. It appears that the Egyptian era was also quite enthusiastic regarding out-of-body experiences, and they’ve perhaps introduced their own practices as well for that. Furthermore, there are some Chinese practices too that involve creation of an energy body by breathing meditations. Though, unlike Egyptian practices, the Chinese practices are rather advanced. And, one can learn them too from their professionals.

Astral Projection Guide

One can find numerous astral projection guides – from astral projection lucid dreaming to astral projection meditation – however, it doesn’t mean that all are offering the best practices. Only a maestro of this arena can confirm the credibility of a guide or practice. Therefore, after consulting a maestro, I’ve put together a few tips for you that can facilitate in experience out-of-body experience. Just read them and implement them – accurately.

Imaginary Rope… This rope technique was introduced by Robert Bruce. It’s simple, but demand immense concentration, and gives incredible results as well to the beginners. All you need is to lie down, close your eyes, and relax your muscles for a few minutes. Try to banish all the thoughts; it’s pertinent to clear mind – utterly. Next, imagine there is an imaginary, visible rope hanging from your ceiling. Now, reach out with your imaginary hands and pull yourself. Imagine as you’re attempting to pull your soul of your body. Once you start feeling sensations in body, it means you’re on the right track. Keep eyes close and climb, hand over hand, upwards. Imagine harder. And, your body will start vibrating. In a few minutes, you’ll be hovering above your body, holding the imaginary rope. Free at last!

Lucid Dreaming… It’s one of the best ways to experience Astral Projection. It’s not only easy to dominate it, but also unlocks several doors of fun. In a way, through lucid dreaming, you create a reality. It’s in your hands to create your own dreams and relish the pleasure. Now, the trick for lucid dreaming is quite simple. Keep thinking: Tonight, I’ll experience a lucid dream. And, keep asking yourself all day long: “Am I dreaming now?” This tactic will push your conscious and subconscious mind to awake you inside a dream.

Is there any other, easy way for experiencing Astra Projection? Yes! Luckily, there is. Visit The Unexplainable Store today, as their experts have utilized advanced technology – Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones – in order to create those tracks that dominate your conscious and unconscious mind and provide you the incredible experience of Astral Projection… Don’t trust me? Get headphones and listen “Astral Super Package Deal”.

“A good traveler is the one who know how to travel with the mind.”

- Michael Bassey Johnson

Astral Projection

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