Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Manifest Positive Thoughts, Live a Better Life

Anyone looking around the world will notice the disparity between populations. Some people are richer, while others barely have enough to get through the day. In the same way, there are the optimists and the pessimists. The first group always looks at the positive aspect of each situation while the second sees the proverbial glass as half empty. What psychologists have noted over the years is that these two types of disparities are sometimes interrelated.

In the New Philosophy of Thought, psychologists suggest that a person who practices positive thinking is more likely to succeed in anything he undertakes than an individual who is always looking at the negatives. This link between positive thoughts and experiences, and negative thoughts and experiences is called the Law of Attraction. If an individual wants to lead a good life, he or she has to manifest it first. 

How to Manifest Positive Thoughts

To manifest is to use a combination of positive thinking and visualization to propel oneself into actions that will result in the achievement of one's dreams. Some common manifestation techniques that help people better their lives include: 

1. Change of Attitude to Realistic Optimism

The first thing a person will notice about manifestation is that it involves changing one's attitude from the negatives to the positives. Here is a scenario that shows the two types of attitudes. One person wakes up and thinks "I have too many meetings today, I wish I could skip them all." His colleague at work rises at around the same time and says "I have many meetings today. Business must be good". Both these men are in the same situation, but they view it differently. A change in attitude means that a person stops thinking the way person one is and starts thinking like the second person in that scenario. Various techniques can help people change their attitudes including:

• Self-talk: self-talk just involves a person saying to himself or herself "I can do this" or "This is not so bad." It is an individual teaching himself how to be positive by constantly reminding themselves to be positive
• Meditation: when a person meditates, his or her brain slows down. He or she can then choose which kind of thoughts to allow into the mind and which to reject. As such, meditation makes it easier for people to amplify their positive thinking. People can choose to meditate alone and in nature or use meditation aids such as crystals or brainwave music to align their thoughts and the energy of the universe. Stores like The Unexplainable Store offer these aids

With self-talk and meditation, a person can change his or her mindset for the better. Positive thinking does not mean that a person will start conquering all; it just means that they realize that it will be hard to something, but they can do it anyway. 

2. Let others help you Manifest Positivity

No man is an island; that is a relevant statement when it comes to leading a more positive life. When anyone surrounds themselves with positive people, he or she laughs more and smiles more. He or she is more likely to exercise with others. Lending a hand now and then also makes him or her feel better about himself or herself. Having positive friends in a person's life makes it more interesting, fun and more importantly, positive.

People who can manifest and realize their positive thoughts better their mental and physical health, and therefore they are usually more successful. That is the Law of Attraction.

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