In this article, we are going to provide you some basic tips and techniques to accomplish
astral projection easily.
Technique #1 Prepare the Body and Mind
The main objective in Astral Projection is first and foremost reaching a totally relaxed state, letting go of your conscious thoughts, and feeling the vibrations. You will need to lie down and let all your worldly worries and thoughts go. Allow your mind to think freely without intervention. You will need to go deep enough to actually forget you have a physical body.
Technique #2 Wait For The Shift or Vibrations.
What we mean is, when you get to the stage of forgetting about your physical body, you should feel a vibration shift. For instance, when we personally reach this stage, it feels like our arms and head are misaligned. It’s hard to explain, but we will try. Our physical head and arms haven’t moved, but it feels as if our arms and head are not centered with the rest of our body, and it feels like they are not where they should be while we’re in that position. Like a misalignment… This isn’t the only sign, just the most common for me.
Another giveaway is when your body starts vibrating and it feels as if you sunk down or rose up an inch or two from your body. You haven’t actually left your body yet, but you can feel the binds to the physical body start to loosen.
The above 2 steps are the easiest part of the whole process. Take your time and get accustomed to the above steps before proceeding.
Technique #3 Separating Yourself
This is the most difficult part. The secret of this step is you have to find a way to make the total separation happen without forcing it. You need to find your trigger.
This is an example of a separation trigger that has been successful for us. Once we feel the Separation point occur, we immediately (but very gradually) convince ourselves that the head of our bed is raising. We picture our laying surface as a greased pan, or a slippery surface, and the head of the bed is raising while the foot is staying stationary. As the head of our bed raises, a downward slope slowly forms as our body slowly starts to slide downward towards our feet. (Like a sliding board in a park)
As our body slowly slides down, the separation point becomes greater. That is the Goal! You do not need to reach the ground at first, and you do not need immediate results. In fact, if you push too hard, or don’t allow the body to find its natural rhythm, it could drastically slow the process down. The key is to extend and expand upon that separation point an inch at a time.
Remember, the “Separation Trigger” above is only an example and the process must be done while maintaining a Non-Alert state. You may and probably will fail a few times, and your mind may become awake and active from the excitement. When this occurs, it’s best to forget about the process, and return to relaxation before getting up. If your brain becomes alert, shake it off, and clear your mind again, but do not re-attempt to separate at that time. Always remember, force is not the way……
Technique #4 Expanding the “Separation Point”
You may have read other sources that instruct you to physically try moving. This
method has validity, but simply trying to move a body part at the wrong moment will end your session, and break your thought process. The final key is to move at the right time. Moving prematurely is an urge you must try to avoid, as timing is everything. Basically, your “Separation Point” must be extended almost (if not more than) half your body length before you try to physically separate in totality.

If you have been practicing the last lessons on expanding the “Separation Point”, you should aim to ultimately progress till half or more of your body is misaligned or separated. A good indicator is when the tip of your head feels like it is where your lower rib cage should be. This feeling is going to be dictated by your “Separation Trigger”. For instance, some may find their trigger by letting their body rise. When your entire body is more than half way separated, it is time to make the move.
Technique #5 Making Your Move
Once you progress to the point where you are separated by 50% or more, it becomes possible to use physical actions to fully separate. If you try to physically separate before this point, your inner body will return to the outer body, and your entire self will move. The whole objective is to separate yourself enough so when you move your inner body pulls away from your outer body, and the connection between the two are broken. When you make your move, it should feel effortless. You decide it’s time to stand, and you will be standing without exerting physical effort, but your mind will determine when it’s time to stand.
Technique #6 Returning To Your Body
Returning to your body will happen naturally. You will not have to exert effort into this stage. When it’s time to return, the spiritual connection to your physically body will take over. When you awake, you probably will not even remember how you returned. In the spiritual planes, distance and physical obstacles do not exist, and the spirit has traveled through the exact same plane many times in the past.
Differences in Practices
There are many ways to train the mind, and many experiences that can be had. Our tutorials and writings are by no means the only way to achieve astral success. Our techniques discussed in this article may not work exactly as described for all, but at the very least, we hope the process and descriptions changed the way you view astral projection. What all valid practices have in common is that the basic outline of relaxing, separation, and achieving.
The Unexplainable Store have Astral Projection session which can brings you down to the Theta separation point. Where astral projection happens! More detail information please check
If you try the above techniques, or have used any other astral projection techniques, we’d love to hear about your experience.