We are going to talk about how to direct ESP thought energy inward. This is what Psychics do, and is how you let the world speak to you.
Now, let’s start with a simple, but effective exercise. Simply close your eyes, and ask the world a question. When you ask this question, don’t focus on correct wording, but visually picture your question. Use your inner thought ability to perfectly describe your question with thought. Remember, the English language is made from humans, and the world speaks in different tongues.
Now that you have asked your question, clear your mind and allow the world to send you an answer. The answer probably will not come in the form of words, but as symbols. Let your brain process thoughts freely, and do not intentionally concentrate or hang onto any thought. Let the thoughts enter, and roll away.
After 5-10 minutes of free thinking, get up and write these symbols and feelings down. It is easy to forget parts of your experience, so you should be diligent in getting your experiences on paper as quickly as you can after your session.
Psychic Abilities
Decoding psychic symbols goes hand in hand with decoding dreams. These symbols you see are stimulated by
your brain from outside forces. The true meaning to any dream or psychic symbol is within you, and you alone.
With patience, desire, and the right mind frame, you can learn to understand symbols in your own way. You can let the world send you information in the form of symbols, and learn your unique translations for each of them.
Take a deck of playing cards, and take out the face cards, 10′s, and aces. You should have 20 cards. 4 kings, 4 queens, 4 jacks, 4 Aces, and 4 10′s. Shuffle these 20 cards up, and lay one on the table at a time.
Before you predict what the card is, take the time to meditate and release your conscious mind. Now that your mind is in the right state, ask the question “What is the value of the card in front of me?”.
Let your brain think freely, and allow the symbols to enter your brain. Don’t expect to see a vivid picture of a Queen, but perhaps the symbol of a flower. Once the world sends you a symbol, make connections. A flower is a feminine object, so the card must be a Queen!

The key is not to force your mind to picture an exact image out of 5 choices, but to allow your brain to present the answer in the symbolic way nature dictates.
After you complete the first card, put the card back into the deck and reshuffle them. Your odds will be 20% every draw, and you can keep track of your progress over a long period of time. The goal is to see an upward percentage spiral over time.
Don’t overdo it! The common misconception is “The More I Practice, The Better I Get”. In this circumstance, this is not the case. Over practicing will cause the brain to lock, as these abilities need to be acquired over time.
Take your time predicting. Don’t rush your thoughts, but allow your brain to come up with the answer on its own terms. It can literally take 20+ minutes per guess. Speed and accuracy will come with proper practice.
After each prediction, you should clear your mind again, and start the process over. All these techniques are new to your mind, and your brain will need to adjust to this new way of thinking.
Your ability to recognize and tap into thought energy increases with our ESP frequencies.
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