Last time we listed the fifth to tenth of the best sellers in 2013. They are:
10. Positive Mindset
9. Memory
8. IQ Increase
7. Energy Boost
6. Prosperity
Today, let’s take a look at The Unexplainable Store’s TOP 5 Brainwave Recordings.

~~ One of the highest achievement of spiritual practice~~
Length: 30 Minutes
Brain State: Theta
Description: This recording brings you down to the Theta separation point. Where astral projection happens!

~~ The key ingredient in all spiritual development! ~~
Length: 20 Minutes
Brain State: Alpha / Low Beta
Description: stimulates each of the seven Chakras with different frequency ranges and predetermined base frequencies. Completes in 20 minutes.

~~ Manifest Your Dreams Into Reality! ~~
Length: 30 Minutes
Brain State: Theta
Description: Once you are in this state, Visualize, Visualize, Visualize. Believe that your dream came true and it will!

~~ Take control of your dreams and change the world around you… ~~
Length: 45 Minutes
Brain State: Theta / Low Alpha
Description: Brings you to the state where you can notice you are dreaming. It is not just a fun activity; it's a fundamental lifestyle improvement!

~~Great tool to enhance your ESP abilities ~~
Length: 30 Minutes
Brain State: Upper Theta- Shumann Resonance
Description: Your ability to recognize and tap into thought energy increases with our ESP frequencies!
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Which brainwave session(s) is your favorite? We always enjoy hearing your experiences with your favorite products! You can always contact us at:
The Unexplainable Store
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