Thursday, January 7, 2016

Meditation and Removing Limiting Beliefs

Self-belief is so important when we creating our lives as, “spiritual beings having a human experience.” We behave as if each belief directed by outside experiences is absolutely true, even though they often go against everything we know to be our true-self. These false beliefs create the worst, most depilating statement you can tell yourself … I CAN’T.
So, instead of beating your head against a wall, here are 4 ways to help you remove those false beliefs and align your potential to the actual.
1. Replace those negative statements with truth. Instead of repeating misdirected statements of judgement, remind yourself – “you can”, “it’s possible”, or “I am capable.” Please remember, that replacing negatives with positive takes time, and consistency. Be kind to yourself, it’s a process and you can do it!
2.  Let go of the past! You are not your past, because the past no longer exists. All there is, is now. All those horrible things that you were told you are, or names you were called, did not and does not exist. Know this, believe this… right now, you can!
3.  There are no failures, just outcomes that provide lessons. Those lessons will help you grow; and in this moment you are better for it. Now that sounds like success!
4. Meditation allows you to see your True-Self. By practicing meditation you find yourself, whole, capable and in the present moment.
By setting aside your limiting beliefs, you now can live in truth. A truth that knows, you can. Knowing that, you now have the confidence to let go of your previous beliefs. With those limiting beliefs behind you, and an understanding of “failure” you can get out there and create the world you want!

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