The weight loss recordings are not diets. They are tools to help the user attain the desire and determination to see their diet routine through.. We recommend the dieter first listen and visualize a healthy fit body, then go out and make it happen. Listen every day, visualize every day, exercise everyday, and eat healthy every day. If you do this, the success rate will be extremely high...
You can also mix in the hypnosis and motivation at your own convenience.
Tips: Do not focus on your weight, or any negative feelings you may have about your body. Instead, imagine yourself having a healthy body. What would that be like? Don't focus on the negative, but rather use your imagination to think about all the things you'd love to do with your new body. Don't think of words such as "Weight," "Heavy," "Fat," or anything "Negative." Use positive terms such as "Now I have a healthy body," and "I look and feel great." Think in positive terms about your future, and your new lifestyle.
Visualize a new you. Every night before you go to sleep, you should lie in your bed with your eyes closed and picture your body looking the way you want it to. There is a tremendous amount of research that supports the belief that your mind and positive thinking can make a major impact on your success in the realm of weight loss.
Keep in mind that everything in your world starts within you. Think strong, think active, and have fun!
Brain State: Beta / Alpha / Theta
The Unexplainable Store
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