Solar Plexus Chakra
Location: below the breast
Solar Plexus which is represented by the color yellow. The Solar Plexus Chakra fills your entire essence with fulfillment when stimulated. The Solar Plexus is responsible for both self respect and respect for others as well as personal power, cheerfulness, intelligence, relaxation, spontaneity, and all matters of growth. The energy from your Sacral Chakra spiral should start effecting your Solar Plexus Chakra causing it to become enlarged like the previous.
This is the foundation of passing energy from one
chakra to the next. It is good to understand the importance of each chakra and feel the effects as you progress from one chakra to the next. When each stimulated chakra is open, the pleasant feelings associated with them should engulf your entire being.
The Heart Chakra:
The Heart Chakra is located in the chest and is represented by the color green or pink. Complex emotions, unconditional love, equilibrium, compassion, and tenderness are all associated with the Heart Chakra. It is the gateway to higher states of consciousness and is the sole reason people care about the better good.
In recent times, the world is seeing an increase in Heart Chakra energy being emitted from person to person. It seems that people are caring more about mother nature and the earth, as they are taking more steps to preserve the planet and the life forms that inhabit it. This care is a direct result from stimulating the Heart Chakra. Slowly but surely humans are moving towards greater powers of unconditional love even though it is often not shown in their daily actions. Stimulating the Heart Chakra is a vital step that one must take when embarking on a spiritual transformation.

As your Heart Chakra grows with energy, this energy passes along to your Throat Chakra. Your Throat Chakra is symbolized by the color blue or light blue and is located where your throat is. It governs communication, self-expression, independence, fluid thought, and security.
As you progress and become in-tune with your Throat Chakra energy, your life and people within it may change. By this point in your spiritual development, you may feel the need and desires to tell everyone about your experiences and urge people to follow the same path. Superficial friends and acquaintances may be turned off by this, but your true friends will show their colors and stick by you. Don't allow these social changes to affect your quest for spiritual development because changing your own energies for the better will attract new contacts who are heading in the same direction.
At this point in the lesson, you should already understand the process which your chakra energy progresses. The exact same energy that started from your Root Chakra worked its way up to the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras. This energy then transferred to the Heart Chakra which resulted in a growth in size of the energy spiral which started moving the Throat Chakra at a faster rate.
You should be feeling the revitalizing energies by now if you have followed the previous steps, and it is about to come to a peak in the next post when we cover the Third Eye and Crown Chakras.
The Unexplainable Store
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