Friday, February 28, 2014

Beta Brainwaves

Of the 4 brainwave states, Beta brainwaves own the highest frequency,13-40 cycles per second. Beta brainwaves are associated with normal waking consciousness and a heightened state of alertness, logic and critical reasoning. While beta brainwaves are important for effective functioning throughout the day, they also can translate into stress, anxiety and restlessness.

Low amplitude beta waves with multiple and varying frequencies are often associated with active, busy, or anxious thinking and active concentration.

Here are the features related to Beta Brainwaves:

a) Produced by thinking mind and conscious thought process. Most common brainwave pattern.
b) Concentration, logic, reasoning, alertness and critical thinking.
c) Higher levels of beta may result in feelings of anxiety, stress, unfocused thought, insomnia & even nervous breakdowns in extreme cases.
d) Necessary & required to function and navigate in your everyday life and normal waking consciousness.

Keep us alert

When the brain is aroused and actively engaged in mental activities, it generates beta waves. These beta waves are of relatively low amplitude, and are the fastest of the four different brainwaves. Beta waves are characteristics of a strongly engaged mind. A person in active conversation would be in beta. A debater would be in high beta. A person making a speech, or a teacher, or a talk show host would all be in beta when they are engaged in their work.

Never get too much of it

Even though Beta Brainwaves state is a common state which we are in everyday. But too much of it would not do us good. A majority of adults operate at Beta at the most time of the day. It’s no surprise that stress is today’s most common health problem.

The reason why this occurs to us can be illustrated by an example. People often wake up suddenly out of a deep sleep (Delta brainwaves) with an alarm. Then they immediately feel stressed and anxious (Beta brainwaves) about being late or being under time pressure. After insufficient sleep they pour caffeine down their throats to force themselves into wakefulness(Beta brainwaves), and the caffeine suppresses Theta and Alpha brainwaves, while promoting Beta brainwaves. All day they work under stress, pressure, and time urgency (Beta, Beta, and more Beta), until at night, they fall exhausted into deep sleep (Delta brainwaves), having spent too little time unwinding, relaxing, and drowsing (which would have given them a bit more Theta and Alpha). Thus many people shift their brains suddenly and forcefully from Delta to Beta, and then back to Delta.

Audio Brainwave Stimulation

Research History of Brainwave Entrainment

Brainwave entrainment was first identified in 1934, although its effects had been noted as early as Ptolemy.
Not long after the discovery of the Alpha brainwave by Hans Berger in 1929, researchers found that the strength of the wave could be "driven" beyond its natural frequency using flickering lights. This is called "Photic Driving", which is another word for brainwave entrainment using photic (light) stimulation. In 1942 Dempsey and Morison discovered that repetitive tactile stimulation could also produce entrainment and in 1959, Dr. Chatrian observed auditory entrainment in response to clicks at a frequency of 15 per second.

By the 1960s entrainment started to become a tool rather than a phenomenon of the brain. Anesthesiologist M.S. Sadove, MD, used photic stimulation to reduce the amount of anesthesia needed for surgery. Bernard Margolis published an article on brainwave entrainment used during dental procedures, noting less anesthesia required, less gagging, less bleeding and a general reduction in anxiety.

In a 1973 issue of Scientific American, Dr. Gerald Oster examined how combining 2 pure tones resulted in a rhythmic beat which he called Binaural and Monaural Beats. In comparing Binaural beats against Monaural beats, Oster noted that Monaural beats were shown to elicit extremely strong cortical responses, which is the electrical activity responsible for entrainment. Oster concluded that while Binaural Beats produced very little neural response (because the depth of a Binaural Beat is only 3db or 1/10 the volume of a whisper), they could be useful in diagnosing certain neurological disorders.

In the 1980's studies continued with Dr. Glen Solomon and others researching entrainment for headache relief as well as general relaxation. In 1981, Arturo Manns published a study showing the effectiveness of Isochronic Tones as a means of audio-based brainwave entrainment. This was later confirmed by others such as David Siever. Michael Hutchison also wrote his landmark book MegaBrain in 1981, outlining the many possible uses of entrainment from meditation to enhancing creativity. In 1980, Tsuyoshi Inouye and associates at the Department of Neuropsychiatry at Osaka University Medical School in Japan found that photic stimulation produced "cerebral synchronization". The effect was confirmed in 1984 when Dr. Brockopp analyzed audio-visual brain stimulation and hemispheric synchronization during EEG monitoring.

Studies continued into the 90's with researchers such as Dr. Russell and Dr. Carter who explored the potential of using entrainment with ADD and learning
disorders. Research has also been conducted into Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Pain, Seasonal Affective Disorder, Hypertension and a number of other disorders.
Brainwave entrainment research continues today with the work of Dr. Thomas Budzynski, David Siever, psychologist Michael Joyce, Dr. Tina Huang and many others.

In recent years, other advanced stimuli, such as amplitude modulation, complex phase/timing relationships, asymmetric entrainment, shaped waveforms, have been additionally utilized to bring about desired results.
And uses for brainwave entrainment continue to grow. These days, even game manufacturers are discovering the power of brainwaves, with the launch of toys with EEG-like devices built-in. Using these products, you learn to control your focus and other brainwave frequency patterns, and this helps you progress through the game. Popular products include Star Wars Force Trainer, and the Mindflex game from Mattel.

Today, we sit at the cutting edge of science, with the ability to induce precise brainwave responses within minutes – using the most advanced brainwave entrainment audio possible.

Audio Brainwave Stimulation

Monday, February 24, 2014

Tips for Using Binaural Beats

Like Isochronics, Binaural beats is another type of brainwave entrainment that needs to be used properly in order to experience the maximum benefits and effects. It is important to learn some specific tips and tricks before you go ahead and listen to your brainwave audios. The Unexplainable Store has been focus on brainwave entertainment audios for several years and these are the tricks that gathered from our customers.

Tip 1

Listen to them when you will not be disturbed. It doesn’t matter if anyone else is in the room with you but the point is to make sure you will not be disturbed for the entire length of the binaural audio.

Tip 2

Make sure you plug in with a pair of headphones. This is one type of brainwave entrainment that needs headphones in order to get the full effect.

Tip 3

Turn off all electronics (except for the device you are using to listen to them), and close your eye while listening. Once again this has to do with shutting out the outside world. Also, this can help you better relax yourself.

Tip 4

Relax for a little while after you are finished your session. Of course you do not have to sleep afterwards but it is nice to give yourself the time needed to digest your experience and come back to your current reality.

Tip 5

Give it more time. With any brainwave entrainment audio, they do not always work for everyone the first time. Also, some people just seem to be resistant to it for some reason, or they don’t stick with it for long enough to see results (it can take repeated practice before you really begin to tap into the power of the recording or program you’re using). If you are one of them, please keep on using, give it more time and effort. It gets easier and more results as you progress.

Hope these tips help you get the maximum benefits and effects from your binaural beats.

 The Unexplainable Store

Thursday, February 20, 2014

How Can Brainwave Entrainment Improve Your Life?

How you’re feeling at this given moment is a byproduct of your brainwave activity. Every state of consciousness that you experience is a result of Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta brainwaves. It is important to understand that no brainwave pattern takes over your brain at any given moment. All brainwaves: (Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta, and gamma) are active in your brain at all times. However, one of these patterns is usually dominant over the others. This dominant pattern is responsible for your state of awareness.

Healthy individuals often shift throughout all brainwave patterns throughout the day. As you fully wake up in the morning, your brain shifts to a dominant Beta brainwave pattern and usually stays in that pattern if you are doing mentally demanding work. As you come back from work and wind down with some relaxation (i.e. watching T.V.) – you begin producing more Alpha waves. As soon as you close your eyes before bed, your brain shifts to a completely dominant Alpha brainwave pattern, sometimes accompanied by Theta waves. As you sleep, Theta brainwaves kick in when you have a dream (R.E.M. Sleep) and Delta waves become the dominant rhythm during the deepest, most restorative sleep.

What many individuals don’t understand is the fact that they can consciously access the Alpha state and Theta state of awareness and remain conscious. It has been suggested that highly successful individuals are able to control their brainwave states, even if they are unaware of doing so.

Unfortunately, the majority of people live their lives getting pushed around by their own brainwaves – having no control whatsoever. This makes people unconsciously react to situations based on their state of mind instead of being in the driver’s seat of their own mind – able to shift to a desirable state or alternate perspective.

The key to solving your life’s “problems” (I prefer the term “challenges”) lies in your awareness – which can be shifted by altering your brainwave patterns with brainwave entrainment. You can learn to slow down your brainwaves from high-Beta to calming Alpha brainwaves. You can learn to access Theta waves for a deep, inner connection with your subconscious mind. You can increase the quality of your sleep, boost your focus, and improve your athletic performance with brainwave technology. You can also use brainwave technology to experience altered states of consciousness or access a state of awareness that you’ve never gotten the chance to experience.

For a starter, brainwave entrainment is massively relaxing and therapeutic. The very act of brainwave
entraining increases production of "happy chemicals" in the body; anxiety levels go down and happiness goes up; sleep is improved; mood improves; muscles relax; and overall it just feels super nice.

Additionally, brainwave entrainment is a fabulous tool for people who are interested in (a) how far they can grow and develop themselves, and (b) who want to access higher levels of consciousness and induce the state of flow.

Many of our customers have testified that the personal manipulation of their brainwave patterns had greatly improved their life situation. They are able to think more efficiently, focus on goals, experience relaxation, connect with deeper parts of their spirits, and have access to whatever states of consciousness they choose.

              Brainwave Specialist Since 2007 – The Unexplainable Store®

Use Self-Hypnosis To Achieve Your Goals

If you're interested in creating change in your life, self-hypnosis is a self-help tool that can help you create change. And it's a tool that anyone can learn to use. In fact, you can put yourself into hypnosis without a hypnotist. And self-hypnosis can be used in any situation where you need to change your physical, mental or emotional state.

What is Self-Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a process that increases communication between your mind and body. In hypnosis your mind goes into a trance—a daydream-like state. You become more focused and open to suggestion. There is no truth to the popular myth that hypnosis causes you to lose control. In fact, the opposite is true. Hypnosis can help you gain control over a specific condition. You can do hypnosis by yourself or with the help of books, videos, audiotapes or a trained therapist. But hypnosis cannot be done without your cooperation. Thus, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis.

Have you ever caught yourself daydreaming and not been aware of things happening around you? Have you ever been so absorbed in a book or watching a movie that you haven't realized an hour or two has gone by? What about driving in your car and at the end of your journey not remembering a thing about the details of your journey? These are all forms of hypnotic trance. The main difference between these types of trance and purposeful self-hypnosis is the lack of specific motivations and suggestions towards a goal. Hypnosis channels the trance to achieve some desired result like pain or stress-relief.

People in a hypnotic state appear to be asleep, but their brain wave patterns show alert wakefulness. You are physiologically deeply relaxed but your unconscious mind is absorbing the images and instructions the hypnotist is giving it.

When a person such as a therapist induces hypnosis in another it is called hetero hypnosis, often referred to as hypnotherapy. When hypnosis is self-induced it is called autohypnosis and is often referred to as self-hypnosis.

How can self-hypnosis help me?

If you want to improve something about yourself then self-hypnosis is definitely for you!  It can help you during those times in your life when you need to be able to calm and focus yourself in order to deal with a particular situation.

If you’re looking for a tool that can help you succeed at work, at a sport, academically, or in your search for self-improvement, then self-hypnosis is the answer. You can use it as an effective way of changing those deeply ingrained, unwanted thoughts and habits that are formed during the course of your life.

Learning self-hypnosis can also help you:

Quit smoking
Lose weight
Control your anger
Reduce stress
Combat depression and anxiety
Change aspects of your personality
Gain more confidence

There’s virtually no limit to what you can accomplish through self hypnosis techniques. You can use it to finally make those changes you’ve been dreaming of.

Finally, when you decide to learn hypnosis, keep in mind that it may take time. Be patient and don’t expect it to work immediately. It often takes many repeated sessions before self hypnosis techniques begin producing results. However, as you practice more and master your own mind, it will become much easier to get into a hypnotic state and make changes to your subconscious mind.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Get a Good Night's Sleep

Do you have trouble sleeping or falling asleep? Do you toss and turn and spend the major part of your nights agonizing and stressing over various issues?  Do you think too much and don't know how to turn it off? How did you sleep last night?

What Is Insomnia?

Many people think the term “insomnia” refers to a complete lack of sleep. In truth, insomnia encompasses a host of sleep problems, including:

Difficulty falling asleep
Waking up in the middle of the night
Early morning awakening
awaken feeling unrefreshed
Non-restful sleep

Insomnia can sap not only your energy level and mood but also your health, work performance and quality of life.

How much sleep is enough varies from person to person. Most adults need seven to eight hours a night. Many adults experience insomnia at some point, but some people have long-term (chronic) insomnia.

If you want to eliminate this sleeping disorder, follow these important tips
while using these recordings.

Make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark, and cool.

Noise, light, and heat can interfere with sleep. Listen to sleep program with headphones to enter the sleep mode quickly and hide outside noise, an open window or fan to keep the room cool, and blackout curtains or a sleep mask to block out light.

Stick to a regular sleep schedule.

Support your biological clock by going to bed and getting up at the same time every day, including weekends, even if you’re tired. This helps ensure your circadian rhythm (your day/night sleep cycle) is never confused or disrupted.

Avoid stimulating activity and stressful situations before going to sleep

This includes vigorous exercise; big discussions or arguments; and TV, computer, or video game use. Instead, focus on quiet, soothing activities, such as reading, knitting, or listening to soft music, while keeping lights low.

Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine

Stop drinking caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine. Drinking caffeinated throughout the day or too close to bedtime can greatly impact your ability to fall asleep and can make it difficult to stay asleep. Drinking alcohol before bedtime may help you get to sleep, but the quality of sleep is bad. It prevents you from reaching a deep sleep and causes you to wake up in the middle of the night when the initial sedating effect wears off. Nicotine is also a stimulant that can make it difficult to sleep.

Hope you enjoyed our introductory guide to a better night's sleep.

The Unexplainable Store Sleep session can help you fall asleep easily, please click to start the unbelievable experience.

Psychic/ESP Abilities

Psychic powers do in-fact exist, and we all have the ability to develop them.

First and foremost you must be in the right mind frame to learn. Your conscious mind has to be put aside and your subconscious mind needs to lead. Once you are in the right mind frame, the first step is to clear your mind. You must let go of all thoughts, questions, and concerns. Think of nothing. Psychic notions come from unexplained means, not from your brain leading your thoughts. You don’t want your thoughts to lead your brain.

We are going to talk about how to direct ESP thought energy inward. This is what Psychics do, and is how you let the world speak to you.

Now, let’s start with a simple, but effective exercise. Simply close your eyes, and ask the world a question. When you ask this question, don’t focus on correct wording, but visually picture your question. Use your inner thought ability to perfectly describe your question with thought.  Remember, the English language is made from humans, and the world speaks in different tongues.

Now that you have asked your question, clear your mind and allow the world to send you an answer. The answer probably will not come in the form of words, but as symbols. Let your brain process thoughts freely, and do not intentionally concentrate or hang onto any thought. Let the thoughts enter, and roll away.

After 5-10 minutes of free thinking, get up and write these symbols and feelings down. It is easy to forget parts of your experience, so you should be diligent in getting your experiences on paper as quickly as you can after your session.
Psychic Abilities

Decoding psychic symbols goes hand in hand with decoding dreams. These symbols you see are stimulated by
your brain from outside forces. The true meaning to any dream or psychic symbol is within you, and you alone.

With patience, desire, and the right mind frame, you can learn to understand symbols in your own way. You can let the world send you information in the form of symbols, and learn your unique translations for each of them.

Take a deck of playing cards, and take out the face cards, 10′s, and aces. You should have 20 cards.  4 kings, 4 queens, 4 jacks, 4 Aces, and 4 10′s. Shuffle these 20 cards up, and lay one on the table at a time.

Before you predict what the card is, take the time to meditate and release your conscious mind. Now that your mind is in the right state, ask the question “What is the value of the card in front of me?”.

Let your brain think freely, and allow the symbols to enter your brain. Don’t expect to see a vivid picture of a Queen, but perhaps the symbol of a flower. Once the world sends you a symbol, make connections. A flower is a feminine object, so the card must be a Queen!

The key is not to force your mind to picture an exact image out of 5 choices, but to allow your brain to present the answer in the symbolic way nature dictates.

After you complete the first card, put the card back into the deck and reshuffle them. Your odds will be 20% every draw, and you can keep track of your progress over a long period of time. The goal is to see an upward percentage spiral over time.

Don’t overdo it! The common misconception is “The More I Practice, The Better I Get”. In this circumstance, this is not the case. Over practicing will cause the brain to lock, as these abilities need to be acquired over time.

Take your time predicting. Don’t rush your thoughts, but allow your brain to come up with the answer on its own terms. It can literally take 20+ minutes per guess. Speed and accuracy will come with proper practice.

After each prediction, you should clear your mind again, and start the process over. All these techniques are new to your mind, and your brain will need to adjust to this new way of thinking.

Your ability to recognize and tap into thought energy increases with our ESP frequencies.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Reduce Stress Using Brainwave Entrainment Technologies

Stress is a biological term which refers to the consequences of the failure of a human or animal body to respond appropriately to emotional or physical threats to the organism, whether actual or imagined. It includes a state of alarm and adrenaline production, short-term resistance as a coping mechanism, and exhaustion. Common stress symptoms include irritability, muscular tension, inability to concentrate and a variety of physical reactions, such as headaches and elevated heart rate.

In technical terms, stress is a state of overabundance of beta or higher activity, typical of anxiety or stress. Not surprisingly, people lacking of these vital brainwaves often turn to external substances (such as alcohol, tobacco, or drugs) to induce the production of these brainwaves, providing temporary, and potentially dangerous, relief.

Using relaxation focused brainwaves entrainment sessions, you can not only reduce stress, anxiety, and cravings for external substances, but you can also increase your brain’s ability to produce these brainwaves, allowing you to better deal with stress in the future.

Like so many mental disorder there is no “magic bullet” for anxiety or stress. No “one size fits all” solution will work for everybody. But it is an undisputed fact that stress is vastly reduced by alpha/theta training. Very few studies on brainwave training fail to mention stress reduction as a goal or healthy side effect.

Henry Adams, PhD., head of the alcoholism programs at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital In Washington, found that alcoholics showed a 55% in alcohol consumption after a single relaxation session combined with a brief anti-alcohol suggestion.

Peninston & Kulkosky found that Alpha/Theta neurofeedback got successful results in 80% of those properly trained addicts becoming non-craving, healthy people.

I am not saying that you are alcoholic or addict, but if brainwave entrainment works fine in those people, it will work better in slightly stressed people. you can find a set of stress reduction session based on brainwave entrainment in this link:

This session is designed to quickly and deeply relax the listener, focusing on alpha/theta training to give the user more control over relaxation in the future, or to enable the user to reduce stress without the assistance of the sessions.

To use this session, find a quiet place, free of distraction. Make sure you are comfortable and relaxed, in a chair or lying down, close your eyes and enjoy the experience.

What Does a Hypnosis Session Feel Like?

If you’ve never been for a hypnotherapy treatment you’re probably wondering what hypnotherapy or hypnosis feels like.

People who are about to be hypnotized for the first time often wonder what it’s like – will it really work, and how can they be sure that it worked? What does hypnosis feel like? Although the experience is different for every individual, one thing I can say for sure is that hypnosis feels like being very, very relaxed.  It’s very similar to daydreaming or the feelings of complete and utter relaxation you experience just moments before you fall asleep. This is the most common sensations. It is also possible for someone to have some amazing experiences, like sensations of floating, or of heaviness, or a variety of some other very pleasant feelings.

What does hypnosis feel like? There’s no one particular feeling in hypnosis or hypnotherapy.

Each person’s experience is different and will vary from time to time. However, it is generally a safe and very pleasurable, enjoyable experience. During a session you’ll most likely feel extremely relaxed, comfortably warm, and very peaceful. Hypnotherapy is a pleasant, peaceful state of physical and mental stillness giving you a general feeling of well-being.

You’ll still be aware of everything that’s going on around you.

Although you’re pleasantly relaxed, you’ll still be conscious of everything that’s happening when you are hypnotized. You know who you are, where you are, what’s going on around you and what’s being said to you.

Once in a while, on coming out of hypnosis a client might express disappointment with the experience.  They insist that they have heard everything that was going on, and that they did not go to sleep.  This comes from misconceptions about what hypnosis is. . The amnesia and lack of consciousness that they may have anticipated are not experienced by the vast majority of people.  Nevertheless, although an individual may consciously believe that their trance was extremely light, or that they had not been hypnotically affected, the suggestions which have been given to them will in most cases exercise influence.  Unless of course the person deliberately sets out to prove that the suggestions will not work, in which case, there is no way that the person will go into trance.

So in order to use your brain’s power to it’s fullest extent, you must believe! Plain and simple. If you do not believe in your brain’s power, your brain will not exhibit these powers!

The Unexplainable Store Self Hypnosis session brings you into the hypnotic frequencies where your mind is a blank slate ready to program. More detail information please check

Monday, February 17, 2014

Astral Projection Techniques

In this article, we are going to provide you some basic tips and techniques to accomplish astral projection easily.

Technique #1 Prepare the Body and Mind

The main objective in Astral Projection is first and foremost reaching a totally relaxed state, letting go of your conscious thoughts, and feeling the vibrations. You will need to lie down and let all your worldly worries and thoughts go. Allow your mind to think freely without intervention. You will need to go deep enough to actually forget you have a physical body.

Technique #2 Wait For The Shift or Vibrations.

What we mean is, when you get to the stage of forgetting about your physical body, you should feel a vibration shift. For instance, when we personally reach this stage, it feels like our arms and head are misaligned. It’s hard to explain, but we will try. Our physical head and arms haven’t moved, but it feels as if our arms and head are not centered with the rest of our body, and it feels like they are not where they should be while we’re in that position. Like a misalignment…  This isn’t the only sign, just the most common for me.

Another giveaway is when your body starts vibrating and it feels as if you sunk down or rose up an inch or two from your body. You haven’t actually left your body yet, but you can feel the binds to the physical body start to loosen.

The above 2 steps are the easiest part of the whole process. Take your time and get accustomed to the above steps before proceeding.

Technique #3 Separating Yourself

This is the most difficult part. The secret of this step is you have to find a way to make the total separation happen without forcing it. You need to find your trigger.

This is an example of a separation trigger that has been successful for us. Once we feel the Separation point occur, we immediately (but very gradually) convince ourselves that the head of our bed is raising. We picture our laying surface as a greased pan, or a slippery surface, and the head of the bed is raising while the foot is staying stationary. As the head of our bed raises, a downward slope slowly forms as our body slowly starts to slide downward towards our feet. (Like a sliding board in a park)

As our body slowly slides down, the separation point becomes greater. That is the Goal!  You do not need to reach the ground at first, and you do not need immediate results.  In fact, if you push too hard, or don’t allow the body to find its natural rhythm, it could drastically slow the process down. The key is to extend and expand upon that separation point an inch at a time.

Remember, the “Separation Trigger” above is only an example and the process must be done while maintaining a Non-Alert state. You may and probably will fail a few times, and your mind may become awake and active from the excitement. When this occurs, it’s best to forget about the process, and return to relaxation before getting up. If your brain becomes alert, shake it off, and clear your mind again, but do not re-attempt to separate at that time. Always remember, force is not the way……

Technique #4 Expanding the “Separation Point”

You may have read other sources that instruct you to physically try moving. This
method has validity, but simply trying to move a body part at the wrong moment will end your session, and break your thought process. The final key is to move at the right time. Moving prematurely is an urge you must try to avoid, as timing is everything. Basically, your “Separation Point” must be extended almost (if not more than) half your body length before you try to physically separate in totality.

If you have been practicing the last lessons on expanding the “Separation Point”, you should aim to ultimately progress till half or more of your body is misaligned or separated. A good indicator is when the tip of your head feels like it is where your lower rib cage should be. This feeling is going to be dictated by your “Separation Trigger”. For instance, some may find their trigger by letting their body rise. When your entire body is more than half way separated, it is time to make the move.

Technique #5 Making Your Move

Once you progress to the point where you are separated by 50% or more, it becomes possible to use physical actions to fully separate. If you try to physically separate before this point, your inner body will return to the outer body, and your entire self will move. The whole objective is to separate yourself enough so when you move your inner body pulls away from your outer body, and the connection between the two are broken. When you make your move, it should feel effortless. You decide it’s time to stand, and you will be standing without exerting physical effort, but your mind will determine when it’s time to stand.

Technique #6 Returning To Your Body

Returning to your body will happen naturally. You will not have to exert effort into this stage. When it’s time to return, the spiritual connection to your physically body will take over. When you awake, you probably will not even remember how you returned. In the spiritual planes, distance and physical obstacles do not exist, and the spirit has traveled through the exact same plane many times in the past.

Differences in Practices

There are many ways to train the mind, and many experiences that can be had. Our tutorials and writings are by no means the only way to achieve astral success. Our techniques discussed in this article may not work exactly as described for all, but at the very least, we hope the process and descriptions changed the way you view astral projection. What all valid practices have in common is that the basic outline of relaxing, separation, and achieving.

The Unexplainable Store have Astral Projection session which can brings you down to the Theta separation point. Where astral projection happens! More detail information please check

If you try the above techniques, or have used any other astral projection techniques, we’d love to hear about your experience.

Manifestation—Manifest Your Dreams Into Reality!

Manifestation is a powerful mind tool that very few actually understand. Believe it or not, your thoughts create reality and you have the power to achieve whatever you desire. We live in a world without limits. The only thing that holds you back is yourself.

We have comprised a list of 10 Manifestation Steps that will help you make the most from your Manifestation sessions.

1. Relax your mind, body, and soul. You should be totally relaxed and allow positive energy engulf your entire being.

2. Let your mind blockages go, and open your spiritual mind.

3. Once you reached an Altered Conscious State, it’s time to Manifest.

4. Picture yourself extremely happy and satisfied where you are feeling content.

5. Imaging that you have already accomplished your goal.dreams manifest into reality

6. Focus on the good feelings of reaching your dream.

7. Use only positive words and thoughts. Do not use any negative words whatsoever.

8. Linger on the good feelings, and imagine that it is really happening.

9. Speak the words and vocalize how you achieved your success.

10. Believe you already conquered your goals with all your heart.

The first and most important step is to relax, clear your thoughts, and get into the right mind frame. This is the hardest step and our Manifestation recording can help with that.

Once you were in the right mindset, you imagined yourself achieving your goals and succeeded. You won’t use negative words, and you project all positive thoughts. This step needs to be repeated several times.

Now that you invoked the laws of attraction, you have to prepare to receive the gifts the world will bring you.

Many times the outcome isn’t immediate, and many times your gifts arrive in unexpected ways, but if you follow the practices, the world will respond every time!

Be prepared for the unexpected. The world might deliver your gift directly, or it may lead you to an open door. When your chance comes (and it will come), you will need to take action. For instance, maybe you asked for wealth. Wealth probably won’t just arrive at your door step, but maybe when you are dropping off your mail, maybe you will notice a business card on the bulletin board that is offering 1/2 of all profits for doing something you do well. Out of the blue, a business opportunity came along that will yield high returns. Don’t overlook the opportunity, but grab the card and investigate the offering.

Perhaps you asked for a new car. You may find yourself walking in the mall and run across a free car giveaway raffle. Make sure you drop your name in the bin because this might be the Earth’s call.

If you have been delaying this process, it’s time to start using these techniques! Once your brain is in tune with the Manifestation Recoring, the improbable becomes absolute.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

6 Secrets To Be Successful

Everyone among us wants success all the time but then it is not possible to taste it every time we perform the task or work on some project. Even the most successful person in the world must have had an impact of failure in one or the other time in his/her life. We hope you take these secrets to heart and realize your dreams, whatever they may be.

Always be positive.

Positive thinking is one of the most important keys to achieving success. With this key, it is easier to gain success, inner peace, improved relationships, better health, happiness and satisfaction. This key, also helps in the daily affairs of life, making everything flow more smoothly, and with less friction. A positive attitude makes life look brighter and promising.

Use only positive words while thinking and while talking. Use words such as, ‘I can’, ‘I am able’, ‘it is possible’, ‘it can be done’, etc.

Disregard and ignore negative thoughts. Every time a negative thought finds its way into your mind, immediately replace it with a positive thought.

Always sit and walk with your back straight. This will strengthen your confidence and inner strength.

Decide upon Your True Dreams and Goals

Write down your specific goals and develop a plan to reach them.

You may have heard the old adage: A New Year’s resolution that isn’t written down is just a dream, and dreams are not goals. Having a clear purpose/goal will keep you from being distracted by the many things which would hinder your personal growth and waste your time.

Broaden your skill

Go back to school or read books. Get training & acquire skills.

Becoming a lifelong learner would benefit us all and is something we should instill in our kids. It’s funny that once you’re out of school you realize how enjoyable learning can be. What have you learned today?

Be open to everything, and attached to nothing

The best way to experience a fulfilling life is to have very few barriers. Leave nothing off your table, and embrace every potential idea, experience, person, and thought. Sticking to one concept or one line of thinking too harshly creates nothing but negative energy in the end. Instead of defending your stance, allow yourself the opportunity to see what it might be like on the other side of the coin. Be open to hear other perspectives than your own…you never know what can end up inspiring you. Don’t box yourself in, jump out of the box completely!

Learn from others

Find some people 15 or 20 years younger than you are, and soak up their energy. See the world through the fresh perspective they offer. It will keep you young.

Act as if you are already “there”

Have you ever seen an Olympic athlete or a high level professional sports athlete train? They will go through the motions as if they are winning, all the way up to stepping on a fake podium and pretend to receive a medal or trophy. The reason they do this is that to actually make something, anything, happen, you first must visualize extremely clearly. It must be so clear, that it is undeniable. Learn from this, and whatever it is that you want to accomplish, act as if you have already accomplished it. What would you act like and do if you finished what you have always wanted to do? Think about how that would be and become this exactly.

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Friday, February 14, 2014

Learn How to Meditate: Basic Steps

Meditation is an activity where the participant quiets the mind and embraces the power and mystery of the universe in an attempt to reach a higher state of enlightenment.  Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Jainism, and Taoism are just a few of the religions that practice meditation, but non-religious applications are practiced worldwide as well. These aspects of meditation are accepted by all traditions.

Step One: Location

Meditation is essentially relaxation time, so it should be done entirely at your convenience. Choose a place where you not likely to be disturbed. Quiet and peaceful surroundings can make the meditation experience more enjoyable and relaxing. Once you've found your spot, sit in a comfortable position (close your eyes if you wish) and begin step two.

Step Two:  Control your breathing.

The most helpful aid to meditation is proper breathing. Breathe in slowly and rhythmically letting air fill your lungs. Feel the life essence of the universe drawn into your body as you bring it in. And as you exhale, understand that each exhalation is an opportunity to feel the joys of inhaling more life. Goal oriented people may find it more difficult to meditate at first, and that will manifest in quicker breathing. Understand there is no rush, and that the very activity you are performing is the goal in itself. After understanding this your deep slow rhythmic breathing will fill you with a sense of life and joy.

Step Three: Next level of meditation

This step is the next level of meditation. Detach yourself from your mind, by observation of your own thoughts. Do not judge your thoughts or try to change them. Just observe. As you observe your thoughts you gain insight into who you really are. You cease to be the mind observing the mind. Your conscious elevates out of the subconscious so you can see what is really going on behind it all. This step is one of the most difficult for some people, who must always be in control of what they’re thinking.

Step Four: Enjoy peace, balance, and calm

After observing the mind and becoming detached, you may find some form of inner peace and understand that you are immovable like a young tree in the wind. Though larger trees will be snapped over by great gusts of a tornado or a hurricane, the sapling bends and remains rooted to the ground unmoving. In this way you too you will feel unmoving and solid.  Around this sensation you will feel serenity and peace.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Learn How to Meditate: Postures

There are many positions we can meditate in: sitting, standing, walking and lying down, but we're focusing on the traditional posture. The aim of the sitting posture is to balance being upright and alert, with being relaxed.
Keep your back straight

The back must be straight, and the head held high with the chin pointing forward, but not looking up.  An easy way to achieve this posture is to picture a straight line in your spine, and have your head and body follow that line.  As you achieve this posture you will already feel an increase in confidence and independence.

Though the back is straight it is also relaxed.

This may be one of the more difficult aspects to play around with.  If at first your back is unable to fully relax, or feels tired that's okay.  There are several reasons people cannot meditate for long periods of time at first.  If rather than meditate you must spend a few sessions building up your "posture muscles" in and around your spine then it's time worth investing in.  Once you've grown used to the feeling you'll be surprised how powerful it is, and how invigorating.

Let your mind go

When we first start meditating, we constantly want to move around.  The clock in the other room's ticking can become obsessively bothersome, an itch on the arm or nose can suddenly crop up out of nowhere, and the pain in the back can feel at first agonizing even if it's only very minor.  The reason is your mind has nothing else to focus on.  Our minds constantly demand stimulation.  Meditation is not about being content so much as it's about "being" without the body to drag us down.  If at first you feel an itch, and find you cannot ignore it, scratch and move on.  Don't beat yourself up over the small stuff.  Noises are a distraction, but our enterainment programs are specially designed to melt away these distractions and focus your mind exactly where it needs to be.

A great posture for your hands is to lay them on your knees with the palms up and your thumb and forefinger touching.  The hand position isn't specifically important, however, and you can lay them face down on your knees if you prefer.

You can keep your eyes open or closed.

Though traditional meditations happen with closed eyes, this isn't required.  Often people will meditate with a visual aid or simply stare into the room in front of them.  Others meditate while making eye contact with another person, though this can be distracting. We advise beginners to meditate with their eyes closed.

The face is relaxed.

Keep the jaw and all details of the face relaxed during the meditation.  If you have facial jewelry, you might find it distracting at first and should probably take it out ahead of time.

Leg crossed

The legs can be crossed with the feet under the knees, or you can attempt to do another position called the Lotus position.  The Lotus position is similar to leg crossing, but the feet are pulled up over the thighs.  This position is fairly difficult for many people, and care should be taken not to pull any muscles while attempting or practicing it.  Alternately, you can perform a half-Lotus in which only one leg is above the thigh while the other rests comfortably beneath the knee.