Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Manifest Positive Thoughts, Live a Better Life

Anyone looking around the world will notice the disparity between populations. Some people are richer, while others barely have enough to get through the day. In the same way, there are the optimists and the pessimists. The first group always looks at the positive aspect of each situation while the second sees the proverbial glass as half empty. What psychologists have noted over the years is that these two types of disparities are sometimes interrelated.

In the New Philosophy of Thought, psychologists suggest that a person who practices positive thinking is more likely to succeed in anything he undertakes than an individual who is always looking at the negatives. This link between positive thoughts and experiences, and negative thoughts and experiences is called the Law of Attraction. If an individual wants to lead a good life, he or she has to manifest it first. 

How to Manifest Positive Thoughts

To manifest is to use a combination of positive thinking and visualization to propel oneself into actions that will result in the achievement of one's dreams. Some common manifestation techniques that help people better their lives include: 

1. Change of Attitude to Realistic Optimism

The first thing a person will notice about manifestation is that it involves changing one's attitude from the negatives to the positives. Here is a scenario that shows the two types of attitudes. One person wakes up and thinks "I have too many meetings today, I wish I could skip them all." His colleague at work rises at around the same time and says "I have many meetings today. Business must be good". Both these men are in the same situation, but they view it differently. A change in attitude means that a person stops thinking the way person one is and starts thinking like the second person in that scenario. Various techniques can help people change their attitudes including:

• Self-talk: self-talk just involves a person saying to himself or herself "I can do this" or "This is not so bad." It is an individual teaching himself how to be positive by constantly reminding themselves to be positive
• Meditation: when a person meditates, his or her brain slows down. He or she can then choose which kind of thoughts to allow into the mind and which to reject. As such, meditation makes it easier for people to amplify their positive thinking. People can choose to meditate alone and in nature or use meditation aids such as crystals or brainwave music to align their thoughts and the energy of the universe. Stores like The Unexplainable Store offer these aids

With self-talk and meditation, a person can change his or her mindset for the better. Positive thinking does not mean that a person will start conquering all; it just means that they realize that it will be hard to something, but they can do it anyway. 

2. Let others help you Manifest Positivity

No man is an island; that is a relevant statement when it comes to leading a more positive life. When anyone surrounds themselves with positive people, he or she laughs more and smiles more. He or she is more likely to exercise with others. Lending a hand now and then also makes him or her feel better about himself or herself. Having positive friends in a person's life makes it more interesting, fun and more importantly, positive.

People who can manifest and realize their positive thoughts better their mental and physical health, and therefore they are usually more successful. That is the Law of Attraction.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

5 Proven Strategies on How to Beat Jet Lag

If you've ever experienced Jet Lag before, you will understand just how awful it can make people feel, and just how difficult it can make life in general. Every single day there are tens of thousands of people flying through the air on planes, making their way through multiple time zones in the process. This is where Jet lag can set in, but what exactly is it? Jet lag, or jet lag syndrome as it is sometimes called, is basically a physiological process where entering different time zones can throw your internal body clock into chaos. The human body can be pre-programmed in a variety of different ways, which is why we fall asleep at roughly the same time each night, and it is why we wake up at roughly the same time in a morning. If however, you enter a different time zone, your sleep patterns will be interrupted, you will feel tired, your bowel movements will be interrupted, and you will generally feel awful. It can take days, even weeks, to overcome these issues, though there are a number of proven methods designed to help people beat jet lag syndrome once and for all. Here are a few handy tips:
  • Try to relax and slow down your routine – Whilst it is generally a good thing to be in a routine, if you wish to overcome jet lag, you may wish to slow things down. If you adhere to a strict schedule and routine of eating, going to the bathroom, and sleeping, the stricter your routine, the harder it will be to adapt to, and adjust to, new time zones. Before embarking on a long flight, try going to sleep at different times and eating at different times, and try to keep your body guessing. If you can manage to do this well enough in advance, the effects of any jet lag will only be minimal.
  • Sleep before you fly – Whether you are coming or going, before embarking on a long flight that will take you into an entirely new time zone, it is best that you sleep before you fly. Before long flights, a lot of people will only sleep for a short duration of time, and they will instead try to sleep on the plane. This however, can disrupt your schedule even further so you will be more susceptible to the ill-effects associated with jet lag syndrome.
  • Try to arrive during the day – Our bodies are pre-programmed to feel tired and lethargic when it is dark, so much so in fact, that our brains will secrete hormones such as melatonin, which are responsible for sleepiness when darkness falls. If you arrive when it is dark, once you get home, or to the hotel, your natural instinct will be to go to bed. Arriving in daylight hours however, will help you stay awake so you can stay awake as long as possible to help get your sleeping schedule back in order.
  • Avoid alcohol – Whether you're drinking to help calm your nerves before flying, or to celebrate in anticipation of your holiday, ideally you should avoid drinking alcohol. This is because alcohol when consumed at altitude will dehydrate you, plus it will make you feel even more tired, so staying awake will be harder than ever.
  • Brainwave audio training – Finally, the last tip we'll be looking at today, is one provided by the experts over at The Unexplainable Store. This comes in the form of brainwave audio programs which help to centre you after flying, by aligning all of your bodily functions and re-syncing your circadian rhythms in the process, to ensure you beat jet lag once and for all.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Pineal Gland – the Key to True Enlightenment

Whenever people look around they feel the presence of energy in the earth, they wonder how to harness this energy to get to the true stage of enlightenment – a stage that allows a person to be completely conscious of the environment, intuitive and self-aware. The key to true spiritual awareness is simple. One has to improve his or her pineal gland function.

How does the Pineal Gland influence Enlightenment?

The mystics of old referred to the pineal gland as the mind's eye, the third eye, the all-seeing eye and the Ajna chakra. They called it the mind's eye because the pineal gland is found at the very center of the brain. The pineal gland got all its other names because it is linked to spirituality and true enlightenment.

Like our eyes, the pineal gland has a light receptor that allows it to receive light from the sun, moon, and stars. The third eye then processes this light as celestial energy and links it to the body's own chakra. A person whose internal energy has been linked to the energy of the earth can see beyond the physical realm into the spirituality of the universe.

In addition to heightening awareness, the pineal gland is responsible for producing the hormones melatonin and serotonin. Melatonin regulates how much and how well a person sleeps. It also slows the aging process in a person's body. Serotonin influences the hunger, thirst and sexual desire of an individual.

For the pineal gland to function as it is supposed to, it requires adequate blood flow and CSF. Some substances, such as synthetic calcium and synthetic fluoride, hinder the proper function of the gland. Lack of proper functioning of the gland leads to confusion, delusion, depression and negative emotions like envy and jealousy. There is need to detoxify and activate the pineal gland to eliminate these negative energies.

Improving Pineal Gland Function

People use different methods to improve their pineal gland function. Some effective therapies individuals could use to do this are:

• Meditation: Meditation allows a person to center his or her full attention on the third eye. By doing so, such a person can open up his or her mind through a series of techniques, devotion and positive attitude. Common meditation styles used to center the third eye chakra include Khichari Mudra and crystal head meditation

• Kundalini yoga: this type of yoga enables a person to center his or her cosmic energy from the base of the spine, through the spine and into the pineal gland

• Food: trading processed foods and fluoride-treated water for whole foods and natural spring water reduces calcification. The pineal gland works better with less calcification. Fasting also allows a person to detoxify and activate the pineal gland by detoxifying the entire body

• Light: sleeping in complete darkness allows the melatonin in the body to regulate your circadian rhythm. Similarly, gazing at the sun (evening or morning), moon and stars shines light on your third eye thereby activating it

• Vibration: sound influences the way we feel. One could activate the pineal gland by synchronizing brainwave music and the gland's pulses. Harmony between the two pulses opens up the all-seeing eye (You can find therapeutic brainwave music at The Unexplainable Store)

In conclusion, improving the pineal gland function could make a person happier and more at peace with himself or herself. All it takes is few minutes each day to be in touch with the elements.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

How to Increase Energy Naturally

For those who are looking for ways to increase energy naturally, this article will be a good starting point to learn all there is to know about boosting one's energy in natural way. The best way is to discuss first how blood sugar can affect your energy levels. A balanced blood sugar is important for you to have enough energy for the day. This doesn't mean that you should eat a bunch of chocolate or anything that is high in sugar content. Although this does help in boosting your energy levels, the downside is that your body will crash eventually and feel worse. When looking for a way to increase your energy levels, you should choose methods that will prolong it, not raise it for just a couple of hours.

One of the best ways to increase energy naturally is to include protein in your meals, mixed with a complex carbohydrate. Protein helps to increase your blood sugar, which then helps to boost your energy. Good sources of protein are chicken, eggs, meat and fish. You could have a protein shake for breakfast, and then have chicken or meat for lunch. Finish off your day with a good dinner composed of meat or fish. This will help you boost your energy in no time at all. Just be aware that too much protein intake quickly turns into fat.

Another way to increase your energy is to get enough sleep. This includes having a comfortable bed to sleep on so your body can replenish the energy it has lost during the day. Have enough sleep helps in restoring your body to provide you the energy you need for the following day. Adequate sleep is one of the most important components in a healthy lifestyle.

Taking vitamins is also important. There are plenty of supplements to choose from and it's not difficult to find one that will work perfectly with your needs. You might want to ask your doctor for which vitamin supplements may help with your energy needs. This will help to give you the energy level you need to follow through in your day in high spirits.

Diet, proper sleep, and taking dietary supplements are but a few examples of simple things you can do to improve your lifestyle naturally. There are other methods that you can also try that will help in increasing your energy. Avoid relying on caffeine and sugar products to boost your energy, because it only lasts for a few hours, is unhealthy, and will damage your body in long term. Going natural when it comes to increasing your energy is the only method that can help prolong your energy throughout the day without any harmful side effects.

Also another important way to boost your energy is by using the Energy Boost recording product. Its soothing sounds will lull you down to a Delta brainwave frequency where your brain starts to build up its energy reserves again and give you a chance to relax. You'll be amazed at how rejuvenated you feel after this state is achieved as though you had just taken a very powerful nap.

This brainwave product is a natural energy booster, making your body and your mind get an effective recovery in a short time! Visit The unexplainable Store and try the "Energy Boost" tracks now. You will be able to greet the day with high energy feeling refreshed and bursting with life!

Friday, June 2, 2017

Maximize Your Athletic Performance

Any athlete will tell you that sports are as much a psychological battle as they are a physical challenge.

Anxiety and panic attacks can have a devastating effect on the athletic and sports performance of an athlete. No matter how much talent and skill you have, you'll never perform at your best if you live in fear and anxiety before every event. To rid yourself of anxiety and panic attacks forever, you must break the cycle that starts with the fear of your next attack.

If you suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, then you most likely experience some or all of the conditions below and more:
  • Periods of dizziness that lead to a panic attack.
  • Shortness in your breath and tightness in your throat and chest.
  • Accelerated heartbeat and sensations of tingling.
  • Obsessive worries and thoughts that you could do without.
  • An overwhelming feeling of doom approaching.
If you're an athlete and you experience any of these symptoms during an event, then it's no wonder that you don't do as well as you could. This is how anxiety affects athletic sporting performance.

Controlling the cycle of fear, anxiety and panic

In order to be completely free of panic attacks, you need to break the cycle that starts with the fear of your next attack and ends with the attack itself. The following techniques have been found to help to minimize the effects of panic attacks and even prevent attacks on occasion:
  • Prepare well for a sporting event. Make sure that you are as good as you are ever going to be when you perform. This helps to build confidence.
  • Use relaxation techniques such as deep breathing.
  • Try to convince yourself that the symptoms you experience are outside of your body and therefore not your problem to deal with.
  • Positive thinking is important. Believe in your ability at all times.
  • Focus on the task of preparing for the event and exclude everything else.
  • Work hard as a team if at all possible. Working with others gives you a sense of purpose and keeps you focused.
  • Always give your best performance. Never accept second best.
How anxiety affects athletic and sports performance varies from individual to individual, but it is usually very damaging. The techniques above can help to minimize the effects, but if you're a serious athlete, or even if you aren't, then you should be looking for ways to break the cycle of fear, anxiety, and panic attacks in a more permanent way.

There is a growing body of evidence that brainwave stimulation, relaxation, and visualization techniques can vastly improve sports performance. Athletes who use this technology report rapid improvements, not only in performance but in general mental attitude and the ability to respond faster to changing situations.

The following brainwave sessions will help prepare you to compete and perform at your best.
  1. Pre-Workout Focus: Helps concentrate your mind before a workout or sports activity. Keep you focused on your goal, while stay mentally alert.
  2. Winning Performance: Designed to help you with visualizing a winning performance, and to get your brainwaves into a state known for peak athletic performance.
  3. Post-Workout Recovery: Helps you relax your body and mind, release any tension or residual energy from your workout.

To get the above brainwave recordings that can help you get the most out of your workouts, please visit The Unexplainable Store at http://www.unexplainablestore.com/products/workout.php