Thursday, October 26, 2017

All About Lucid Dreaming

You would agree with us when we say that at least once in your lifetime, you have had dreams where you seemingly controlled the outcome of events – this is lucid dreaming or dream lucidity.

In the simplest terms, dream lucidity is having the awareness that you are in dream state. This happens when a person suddenly realizes while dreaming that they are dreaming – this is one method of lucid dreaming called the dream-initiated lucid dream.

On the other hand, we have the wake-initiated lucid dream which happens when a person goes into dream state directly from their normal waking state without lapses in consciousness.

Now that you know,

This article would show you some of the benefits of lucid dreaming as well as how you can enhance your lucid dreaming ability. Let's get into it!

Some benefits of Lucid Dreaming

It is well known that in lucid dreams, the dreamer is able to control their dreams but what most people may not know is that dream lucidity provides other opportunities as well.

You just need to do the right things.

Lucid dreams when initiated properly can be a sanctum for you to reflect and meditate deeply; a place to have life-changing conversations with your subconscious mind and even make decisions that could change your life.

What if we told you there was a way to have these dreams on a daily basis?

Read on to find out how.

Think of your dream world as your personal mental rehearsal space. Here you can rehearse your presentation, athletic routines, or even mull over what you have read prior to an exam.

Here's how to initiate Lucid Dreams.

2 Simple yet most effective techniques to enhance your Lucid Dreaming abilities

If you are a creative person, lucid dreaming could serve as an unending source of inspiration.

And the best part is there are two simple ways to tap into this realm.

· Meditate

The first simple step to initiating lucid dreams is to meditate before sleeping.
If you have very little experience on how to meditate, taking a course or training on meditation may help you achieve better results. The goal here is to enter a comfortable state where you stop thinking and then slip into the lucid dreaming state.

This sort of lucid dreaming is called the "Wake Induced" lucid dreams and they are rare and quite difficult to achieve than our second technique!

· Listen to brainwave music

Listening to unique sound frequencies changes your brain's electrical activity which by extension stimulates lucid dreaming.

Aspiring lucid dreamers can use brainwave entrainment audios to get the subconscious mind to wake up without waking the conscious mind.

These recordings promote lucid dreaming by guiding users into deep sleep frequencies, followed by dreaming Theta frequencies. Then the frequencies will rise, bordering on Alpha, than dip back down to Theta again.

This is the easiest way to bring you to the state where you can notice you are dreaming.

Want to get started?

Check here and obtain some top-quality brainwaves to help you lucid dream!

Monday, October 23, 2017


Everyone can learn self-hypnosis. 
All you need is desire, good guide and a little patience with yourself. 
Here at Unexplainable Store, you will find it easier to learn how to do self- hypnosis by listening to David's guided self-hypnosis courses. 
Are you ready to try some now?

Ends 10/31*

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Five Ways to Fight Depression

Depression or generally people call it unhappiness, is a bizarre ailment which makes you feel that you are of no worth. It is such a mental illness that can force you to quit your life. Challenging this ailment isn't a laid-back process. Individuals are unable to find ways to live side by side with depression. It is one plague on the face of the earth which has no beginning. But today in this article, we will show you how to end this plague. It is firm that later going thru the article you will be capable to find ways in contradiction of this mental complaint. Carrying out of the described actions will not even help you in conflicting against depressive disorder but you will be competent enough to travel in the direction of the blissful side of life. 

1. Get a Routine

It is suggested by all the doctors and psychoanalysts around the sphere. Depression can shred away the routine from your lifecycle. Days start to pass rapidly merging into one another and you are just waiting to get rid of this situation. By upholding a routine, you will be engaged in the life which led you to a joyful life cycle and will make you run from all the unhappiness in the regular lifecycle. 

2. Eat Healthy

Consuming well with a good diet plays a vital role in getting free of depression. Recommended by more than 90% of the medics in the world, this is a good step on the way to the affirmative side of your life. There is not at all any enchanted food that repairs depression. If depression has a control to make you overeat, you must try to regulate and start a well-adjusted diet. It will make you livelier. Chemicals and fundamentals like omega-fatty acid, folic acid etc. can support you get unrestricted from unhappiness. 

3. Get Enough Sleep

Depression can make it severe to get sufficient rest, and too little sleep can make depression eviler by adding salt to injury. Getting adequate sleep can help you in creating some changes in your lifestyle. Go to bed primary and rise early in the a.m. No more mobile phone, no more television, and no more snacks. Get your work finished on time and ease your body into no bodily work. 

4. Take on a Hobby

Get tangled. While you're at liberty, you indulge in undesirable thoughts and start over thinking. By embracing a hobby, you can effort in the free time as well. It is decidedly recommended by people who won their battle against depression. A pastime hobby can make your brain functioning authentic and you can concentrate on the determination of your life. 

5. Challenge Negative Thoughts

Every single person fighting combat against depression can surpass this disease by stimulating his own mind, his very own negative opinions. The foremost aim of getting into despair is negative feelings created by oneself. The following break you're feeling dreadful due to depression, use your logic contrary to these thoughts. Try to reflect about the vantage of your positivity and capabilities. You will feel like you are valueless but you're not for the reason that God has shaped every single person for a purpose. Find yours and murder these negative thoughts by your willpower.

The Depression Help brainwave recording offered by The Unexplainable Store uses two specific Frequencies - Delta and Mid Theta - to scatter depression in your mind and fill the body with a renewed sense of drive, and renewed hope. This powerful tool will give you the energy and desire to smile. Get the unique depression therapy now, start living happily again!

All the above mentioned techniques are reliable for every person. These methods don't require any kind of medication so it can work with everybody. Feeling better takes time, but you can get there by making positive choices for yourself each day.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Having a Prosperity Mindset – 5 Tips to Attract Wealth

The importance of money is inarguable. Having money is a key part of enjoying prosperity and this can be achieved through a number of ways and ordered steps. Prosperity comes with having a prosperity mindset coupled with being able to recognize opportunity and ultimately attracting wealth, success and abundance to yourself. This article will be sharing a couple of tips on ensuring prosperity. 


There is this saying about "givers never lacking in things". Sharing is one of the most positive mindsets a human being can have. From what you have, no matter how little, share with people who do not have. This action alone is enough to create a sense of wealth in your mind. Having a mindset like this is a huge motivation and drive to do more to make more. The spirit of giving is overwhelming and highly inspiring. 

2. Be free from debt

Whatever you have to do to settle all your debts, do it. Owing a person or people money keeps you enslaved and somewhat restricted from doing whatever you like. Debt throws you into a feeling of helplessness and makes you feel enslaved. Get out of your debts and never get back in. 

3. Speak Positively

Sometimes financial situations suck and could make you bothered. Do not complain or talk about this kind of negativity. It brings about a negative vibration which hinders the prosperity mindset that you are supposed to have. Talk about your finances when there is something positive to say about it. Say affirmative words to yourself such as "I have an unlimited source of wealth". Do not ever think prosperity is not coming your way. 

4. Pay attention to your health

The greatest wealth a person can have is good health. For you to enjoy your prosperity, you have to be healthy. Even to make enough money, you cannot do that on a sick bed. Keep your health status in check and make sure nothing stops you from doing the normal things you need to do every day. Remain healthy, fit and vibrant. It would go a long way in helping you attract success and abundance. 

5. Brainwave Entrainment

Employ the use of Brainwave Entrainment which is available at The Unexplainable Store. This product comes in form of recordings and will adjust the frequency of your brain so project the concept of money and prosperity really into your mind. It will give you the proper motivation and desire to do what you need to do in order to attract wealth, success and abundance. You can eliminate all forms of mental blocks that is hindering your prosperity and financial success. Check here to try this amazing product now, and start reaching for Prosperity!