Thursday, December 28, 2017

Finding True Love

The one thing which most of us look towards is for Romantic Love. We have an expectation that there is a person who will fulfil us, who will come into our life and make us "happy". Now, I am not saying that you shouldn't seek relationships but there is a catch. Seek to give love, not the other way of only taking it from one person. Give love to everyone who comes into your life, you will enjoy your life to a much greater extent. Sure, there can be a person from whom your love reflects back to a much greater degree and you can call it a Romantic relationship. Dance together with everyone in this wonderful song of life, not just wait for one dancer to focus on.

Let's see the ways in which you can be a source of love to "the one" and also to the many.
  • Spirituality
All spiritual teachings emphasize the importance of being in touch with something that is greater than your usual self. Call it Christ consciousness, peace, love, God, reality etc. Being in touch with it will make you confident, lovable and energetic. There are various ways suggested by enlightened people, there are different spiritual teachings you can read, and there are different types of meditation you can learn to be in touch with the spiritual side.
  • Stop making it a big deal
When we are not enjoying life or when we are not confident in ourselves, we tend to look for some fix to restore us. Yes, that is good logic when we are using means like meditation, self-development or fulfilment in work to feel complete. If we look for a relationship to cover our insecurity, we make a big deal out of it, as if the whole world is going to fall apart if we don't find the "one". From childhood we are fed with a "Happy ever after" situation after finding the prince/princess. There is a happy ever after when you are yourself not after finding person or thing you seek. When we are confident, the way we behave with people is on a different vibe. We are not needy or clingy, so we make mature decisions and be with the right people.
  • Move out of comfort zone
You are not going to experience life in your living room. There is a whole world out there for you to interact. You can't just start wishful thinking and hope for the ideal partner to fall into your lap. Yes, rejection sucks but why should it prevent you from meeting people or enjoying your life. Rejection is a good thing to happen. Learn to give "NO" to people and also to take a "NO". It is actually very liberating once you start asking people for what you want.

Let me give you a small example. I was in a restaurant where the music was louder than necessary, I was uncomfortable. If I was my one year older self, I would have not said a thing. I asked in a nice way to reduce the volume, it wasn't done. I told then again in a nice way, it was not done again. I didn't lose my cool, I just decided not to dine there in the future. If I didn't ask in the first place, I would have felt bad for not standing up for myself. Stand your ground, ask for what you want in a nice way. If you succeed it is good, if you don’t it is even better, you now know you need to move on.
  • Open mind
I know you must have read the above suggestions somewhere already, but you don't know why things didn't turn the right way. You may believe that doing the things mentioned above are only possible for people who are disciplined, confident, blah, blah, blah. Not true. There is one product that can help with your breaking away from your mind inhibitions. That is the Find Love recording offered by The Unexplainable Store, which also sells a variety of other healing brainwave music. This tone will make you let go of negative emotions and open your heart for giving and receiving love and attention. Try it now and get ready to find your perfect mate!

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!!

We are about to enter the year 2018.
There will be no better time to start preparing yourself spiritually for the changes and challenges in a new year.
Whatever your goals are, The Unexplainable Store has sessions in all ranges. If you have their audios in your wishlist, now is the time.
They are having a Crazy Christmas & New Year Sale. This is the best time to stock up for the new year.
Let’s use these new mind tools with the lexicon of love, hope, faith, kindness, gratitude and forgiveness in heart to craft our plans for a happy, safe and healthy 2018.
Forgive yourselves of you fail in 2017.
Applaud yourselves for conjuring the courage to propose a few changes.
Check The Unexplainable Store Crazy Christmas & New Year Sale here

Thursday, December 14, 2017

How to Foster Creativity Easily and Efficiently

Each of us has creativity embedded in our being, some more than others, but the important thing is that is there. While other people seem to enjoy a greater degree of creativity in a natural manner, finding it easier to manifest it, others may not manage to tap into it as they would like. So, it is not a matter of whether one is or not creative, but how he succeeds in releasing this talent from the depths of his brain. If you want to be able to use creativity better in your everyday life, if you are an artist looking for improvements, or if you want to be able to find great ideas easier, then there is a way to develop creative thinking without too much effort.

You may be tempted to think that, in order to unleash your creativity, you will have to do difficult exercises or do things that are unpleasant and consume time. Well, in reality, you have to do none of these things. The secret of creativity lies, in fact, in the presence of certain brainwaves, which are commonly met in the case of creative brains. But what can we do if our brain does not generate the right kind of brainwaves? In this case, we stimulate the brain by using brainwave therapy, which is specially created to improve our creativity. You see, depending on the aspects you want to improve yourself, there are various types of brainwaves that are used during therapy. How come the brainwave therapy can deal with so many aspects? Considering that our brain is the control center of everything we are and everything we do, it is only normal to want to tune it so that we become better versions of ourselves.

There were many studies unrolled on this matter, as scientists wanted to see how the brain reacts to the tuning process. They were pleasantly surprised to see that it works. Thus, brainwaves are used to treat depression, fears, or even phobias, to increase creativity, productivity, to improve the ability to focus, or to get rid of bad habits. So, they are quite powerful and efficient when used correctly. Getting back to our method that will teach us how to foster creativity, it is worth mentioning that the use of certain brainwaves is the best way to make sure that all your creativity is brought to the surface.

Now you may think about where to start searching for the right brainwaves for creativity. Well, you don't have to look too far because the solution you're looking for can be found in The Unexplainable Store. This particular online store focuses on providing brainwave entrainment products for a variety of conditions or needs, so you will definitely find the right product for developing creativity. The creativity brainwave program takes the potential of the right brain, and quiets the left brain's activity so that ideas can flow freely and the brain can hold on to the ideas it has. Furthermore, it is nothing complicated. The product comes in the form of sounds or songs, which can be downloaded directly from the store and used in the same manner as you listen to your favorite music. Just relax, trust your inner voice and let your mind be free, you are a creator. With the help of brainwaves, you will start seeing results in no time.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Developing ESP for Spiritual Growth

It is not a secret anymore that some people seem to have certain abilities that bring them closer to the spiritual world, abilities that cannot be met in the vast majority of people. We are talking here about extrasensory perception or ESP that makes reference to our sixth sense or intuition. How ESP manifests? Some people say that they have "gut feeling", while others say that they are able to see things that may happen in the future and events that took place in the past. Before we became aware of ESP, these abilities were considered to be magical. Now, we know that some people have this in a native manner, while others need to work a bit on it if they want to develop this particular ability. So yes, it is possible to develop psychic abilities if you want, with the right kind of approach.

How is it possible to develop ESP? Every ability we have is controlled by our brain, so things are no different in this case. If we want to develop psychic abilities then we need to train our brain in this direction with an appropriate program. There are some that sell this kind of programs, claiming that you’ll be able to achieve amazing results, but asking you to pay thousands of dollars for such a program. But the Unexplainable Store created a highly effective program for developing ESP without making clients spend a small fortune on it. Making use of Isochronic Tones and Binaural Beats, the brainwave program was designed especially to trigger and enhance these particular abilities.

What are the benefits of using this program for developing extrasensory perception? If you never experience ESP before, you will start making it part of your life. If you had various kinds of spiritual experiences or you were attracted by this aspect of life, then you'll be able to improve and enhance your abilities. With the ESP/Psychic brainwave program, you will start having clearer images of what may happen in the future, you will be able to focus your attention on people and items that are nowhere near you, and do a lot of things you never thought you're capable of before. You will literally feel that your life is changing. As you can see, it is not magic here, but knowing more how and where to tap into your brain.

Used by the police and detectives to find missing people and items, these psychic abilities can be something you'll learn to master. Of course, you can use them for your own benefit, with the purpose of improving your own life, by simply using the right frequencies. Our brain is capable of doing amazing things if we could only manage to open the right "drawer" that will release the information and knowledge we need. This is precisely what this ESP development recording does. It takes the right frequency that relaxes and stimulates the brain in an adequate manner so that your psychic abilities are unlocked. And the effects of the program are immediate, so you don't have to wait for too long to see results.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Are You as Confident as You Can Be?

From simple daily task to interaction with other people and performing at your workplace, confidence is something that you must possess. It is a well admitted fact that people having self-confidence are more likely to be successful and productive especially when it comes to perform at work place. It is also believed that self-confidence is one of those intangible traits that help in encouraging people to perform beyond their limits and demonstrate better skills. Studies have shown after experience that confidence is reported as one of the most important personal characteristics to become an effective employee.

In addition not only to perform well at your job, your confidence will help to you to interact with people in a more acceptable way and helps to improve you interpersonal skills. However, one should not confuse confidence with cockiness or self-importance. Today it is not only considered as a positive personality trait but a requirement to compete in current job market. Some people think that confidence can be faked but it's not true. Your insecurity will show like a neon sign and will drag you back to your cowardice.

Obviously one with low self-esteem and confidence can build self confidence in himself. The constructive brainwave recordings are just designed to help people escape the situation of doubt and timidity and help them to develop courage, determination and certainty in their life and behavior. There is no dispute about the fact that building self-confidence is purely a mental quality. Your confidence may be lying behind you mental barriers and just need to be stimulated. That is why the Unexplainable Store put special care while developing and recording the confidence building brainwave entrainment. All the tones were placed and arranged in a way that will help you to rebuild your self-esteem while keeping yourself cool headed.

All the negative feelings and thoughts in your mind that lead you to doubt your abilities will vanish slowly and barriers will break. You will personally observe that after listening to these recordings for some time, and you'll start feeling better about yourself and the nervousness will faint slowly. You'll begin to see yourself as a more confidence being without having insecurities that you have about yourself. All these characteristics will help you to feel confident and you'll start working towards success in your life.

The Confidence brainwave package comprises of three recordings: Love Yourself, which invokes feelings of self gratitude; Endless Possibilities, which makes you realize the truth that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to; and Confidence Builder which helps you tackle that final frontier for developing self-confidence. These recordings relieve you of this mental blockage and allow you to live life the way you want. After using them, you can start visualizing yourself based on who you really are, and not what your insecurities want you to think. So don't wait, grab the Confidence Building recordings and explore your potentials as more confident person.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Strategies to Release Endorphins in the Brain

Endorphins help the body eliminate pain naturally and it is made up of two words: endogenous which means from within and morphine which is a popular term for the elimination of pain. Therefore, it is safe to describe endorphins as substances that help kill pain from within the body. There are about 20 chemicals that make up endorphins and all of these chemicals work together to help reduce pain and cushion the effects of stress on the body. A deficiency in endorphins would make you feel depressed, stressed and possibly anxious, thereby, generally making you miss out on feeling bliss or any form of happiness. Of course, there are different strategies one can adopt in order to release endorphins in the brain and physical exercise being the most well-known strategy, it is not the only strategy however. In this article we will be exploring the various strategies you can adopt to make sure enough endorphins are released in your brain other than through physical exercise. 

1. Food

There are so many things we eat that we probably never knew aid the release of endorphins in the brain. The good thing about these foods is that they are foods that we, or almost every human being enjoy. Foods such as chocolate help release endorphins. Chocolate is regarded as a comfort food that invokes a special feeling that can be likened to falling in love. Phenyl ethylamine is an important compound that brings about this feeling.

Other foods that help the release of endorphins are spicy foods. Spicy foods contain capsaicin which triggers the release of endorphins. Spicy foods create a hot sensation and naturally, as a reaction, the brain sends a signal to counter this hot feeling, hence the massive release of endorphins. Taking alcohol is another unusual strategy for releasing endorphin in the brain but of course, alcohol intake should be moderate. Apart from the above discussed foods, another effective strategy for releasing endorphins in the brain is by eating the foods that you enjoy. This gives you a good feeling which naturally floods your brain with enough endorphins. 

2. Improve your lifestyle

Other than strenuous physical exercises, another way to release endorphins naturally without drugs is by adopting lifestyle choice that help boost endorphin level in the body. One of these many ways is laughing. Laughter is the best medicine, and laughing as many times as possible during the day helps increase endorphins release in the brain. Laughter generally induces happiness in a way and this is only possible through its endorphin-releasing capabilities. If you do not find anything funny, fake it. Just make sure you laugh anyway. As much as we have been trying so hard not to make this article about exercising, exercising is nonetheless a great way of living healthy. You cannot sit in a spot throughout the day for sure and keeping your body active is a sure way to boost your endorphin levels. 

3. Help others and fall in love

Lending a helping hand and being generous creates a good feeling which floods the brain with endorphins as a result of something known as "helper's high". In the same vein, having a genuine sense of affection for someone else produces phenyl ethylamine which the endorphin-boosting compound found in chocolate. If you find it hard to fall in love, having great sex and having orgasm will do the trick as well. The endorphin addiction gotten from being in love is what explains the pain experienced from a breakup. 

4. Music and Dancing

Joyful music that makes you dance is another strategy for releasing endorphin in the brain. According to a study, country music is best for endorphin release while metal music is not because it makes listeners feel anxious. Also singing or playing instruments help release endorphins than just listening passively. 

5. Body-mind Healing Techniques

There are some body-mind healing techniques that you can apply in order to increase endorphin release in the brain. And of course as with any brain activity, endorphin release is directly linked to specific brain wave patterns. The Endorphin Release brainwave audio that can be getten at The Unexplainable Store uses Alpha Frequencies to trigger the release of Beta Endorphins. It will make you feel relaxed satisfaction and start living the way you deserve. Just relax and listen!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

How to Stay Alert Without Energy Drinks

Drifting mind and unnecessary thoughts during work or job is not unusual. Almost every one struggles to stay alert and active during their tasks. For years people have tried different techniques and methods like medicines and the use of caffeine to improve their alertness and keep attentive however none of them proved to be an authentic cure. Despite, these methods results in certain side effects.

Well, today coffee and medications are not the only way to keep attentive and energized; the remarkable entertainment therapy is the best and modern way to solve all your issues of dullness. You surely don't want to miss even small opportunities in your life just because you were not attentive. Obviously you understand that in this competitive world small mistakes and moment of inaction can lead to big issues in your lives. So if you are alert and energized you can make simple tasks extraordinary and significantly improves your performance.

It is a fact that people who are alert are more likely to succeed in their life than those who struggles to pay attention to their jobs. A sharp and attentive mind will surely lead to better decision making and help an individual to reach his maximum potentials.

This is exactly the domain where The Unexplainable Store can help you. Brainwave entertainment therapy for alertness helps you to train and channel your mind in a direction which leads to maximum efficacy. Once you plugged in and start listening to the subtle tones you'll start feeling active and more controllable of your actions. Because the alertness entrainment is designed and arranged in a way that helps stimulate your brain and get rid of sleepiness and lazy feelings. Frequencies of this recording are set intelligently to trigger your mind at attention and ready to work.

Do not think that this is an ordinary music therapy, brainwave entertainment is developed based on scientific logics that actually affect your brain in certain way. For example in the Stay Alert recording, the low beta tone first stimulates a part of the brain that ensures you can both focus and achieve with ease any task before you. Then, as the low beta tone migrates to a higher level, the intelligence-increasing frequency will allow you the ability to not only focus, but react wisely and quickly. Tasks are immediately easier and your focus stays on what it needs to without distraction. You can enjoy the brainwave audio program without actually interfering your work routine. However this therapy is not recommended while driving or using some dangerous equipment.

There are always many options available to you that can help you to stay alert like morning walk, exercise or good eating habits. However by using the brainwave product your mind can stay alert and active without compromising any of your other activity. So don't think too much, get the exclusive and splendid recording now to become more active, alert and efficient during your work!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Brainwave Therapy: A Natural Way to Upgrade Your Life

Our brain is an incredible organ that is not yet fully deciphered by the scientific world. Many people simply don't realize that by tuning their brains, their lives could become much better than before. Just think about the fact that your brain is the command center of your entire body, of your entire being. It is the one that gives you strength, triggers positive feelings like happiness and wellness, gives you willpower and energy, and helps the entire organism to unwind, relax, and heal. If we could use the power of our brain to solve the issues that lower the quality of our lives, then we could certainly achieve much more than we can imagine.

As we all may know, life is not always as great as we would want it to be. We may feel drained of energy, we may lack the motivation needed to drive us toward our goals, feel captured into a whirlpool of negative emotions, suffered from some ailments and sub-health issues, incapable of keeping the brain in tip-top shape, and so on. Yes, life has its ups and downs, but that doesn't mean we should settle with the situations that are to our detriment. So, how can we convince the brain to stop and continue on the desired path? How can we make it function at its best so that our lives can become better? The answer lies in brainwave therapy, which is actually brainwave entrainment technology. Although scientists don't fully understand how our brain works, they did discover that this amazing organ reacts differently at different brainwave frequencies. These brain waves are practically energy impulses that make the brain function in a certain manner. Well, the frequency of these waves can be reproduced through sounds, the so-called brainwave entrainment recordings, so one can easily induce the desired state of mind with these healing music that can trigger the right type of brainwaves inside the brain.

The best part about brainwave therapy is that you can enjoy it anywhere you want. You can play the right tones at home, when you're looking to relax, in your car, on your way to work so you can adjust the proper level of motivation and willpower, and even at work, in the office, when you need to boost your focus or reset your brain so that you will manage to find the solutions you're looking after. In case you don't know where you can find the ideal audios for you? Then you need to visit The Unexplainable Store and select the type of therapy that is adequate in your case. Just browse through the wide diversity of brainwave music selections, which were all grouped according to the type of therapy you want to enjoy, so you can easily access the benefits of brainwave therapy and reach body-mind-spirit well-being in no time.

Of course, all the recordings you will find listed here are improved with the help of advanced BWE technology, the Isochronic Tone and Binaural Beats being used to adjust your brainwave frequencies and induce the desired state of mind. You're not sure whether this will work? Well, you have nothing to lose because there aren't any unwanted side-effects to this therapy. Just try it and see how you feel afterward. Most certainly you will enjoy immediate improvements in your state of mind. And if you choose to continue this therapy, you will see your entire life changing, upgrading, transforming into the life of your dreams.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

All About Lucid Dreaming

You would agree with us when we say that at least once in your lifetime, you have had dreams where you seemingly controlled the outcome of events – this is lucid dreaming or dream lucidity.

In the simplest terms, dream lucidity is having the awareness that you are in dream state. This happens when a person suddenly realizes while dreaming that they are dreaming – this is one method of lucid dreaming called the dream-initiated lucid dream.

On the other hand, we have the wake-initiated lucid dream which happens when a person goes into dream state directly from their normal waking state without lapses in consciousness.

Now that you know,

This article would show you some of the benefits of lucid dreaming as well as how you can enhance your lucid dreaming ability. Let's get into it!

Some benefits of Lucid Dreaming

It is well known that in lucid dreams, the dreamer is able to control their dreams but what most people may not know is that dream lucidity provides other opportunities as well.

You just need to do the right things.

Lucid dreams when initiated properly can be a sanctum for you to reflect and meditate deeply; a place to have life-changing conversations with your subconscious mind and even make decisions that could change your life.

What if we told you there was a way to have these dreams on a daily basis?

Read on to find out how.

Think of your dream world as your personal mental rehearsal space. Here you can rehearse your presentation, athletic routines, or even mull over what you have read prior to an exam.

Here's how to initiate Lucid Dreams.

2 Simple yet most effective techniques to enhance your Lucid Dreaming abilities

If you are a creative person, lucid dreaming could serve as an unending source of inspiration.

And the best part is there are two simple ways to tap into this realm.

· Meditate

The first simple step to initiating lucid dreams is to meditate before sleeping.
If you have very little experience on how to meditate, taking a course or training on meditation may help you achieve better results. The goal here is to enter a comfortable state where you stop thinking and then slip into the lucid dreaming state.

This sort of lucid dreaming is called the "Wake Induced" lucid dreams and they are rare and quite difficult to achieve than our second technique!

· Listen to brainwave music

Listening to unique sound frequencies changes your brain's electrical activity which by extension stimulates lucid dreaming.

Aspiring lucid dreamers can use brainwave entrainment audios to get the subconscious mind to wake up without waking the conscious mind.

These recordings promote lucid dreaming by guiding users into deep sleep frequencies, followed by dreaming Theta frequencies. Then the frequencies will rise, bordering on Alpha, than dip back down to Theta again.

This is the easiest way to bring you to the state where you can notice you are dreaming.

Want to get started?

Check here and obtain some top-quality brainwaves to help you lucid dream!

Monday, October 23, 2017


Everyone can learn self-hypnosis. 
All you need is desire, good guide and a little patience with yourself. 
Here at Unexplainable Store, you will find it easier to learn how to do self- hypnosis by listening to David's guided self-hypnosis courses. 
Are you ready to try some now?

Ends 10/31*

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Five Ways to Fight Depression

Depression or generally people call it unhappiness, is a bizarre ailment which makes you feel that you are of no worth. It is such a mental illness that can force you to quit your life. Challenging this ailment isn't a laid-back process. Individuals are unable to find ways to live side by side with depression. It is one plague on the face of the earth which has no beginning. But today in this article, we will show you how to end this plague. It is firm that later going thru the article you will be capable to find ways in contradiction of this mental complaint. Carrying out of the described actions will not even help you in conflicting against depressive disorder but you will be competent enough to travel in the direction of the blissful side of life. 

1. Get a Routine

It is suggested by all the doctors and psychoanalysts around the sphere. Depression can shred away the routine from your lifecycle. Days start to pass rapidly merging into one another and you are just waiting to get rid of this situation. By upholding a routine, you will be engaged in the life which led you to a joyful life cycle and will make you run from all the unhappiness in the regular lifecycle. 

2. Eat Healthy

Consuming well with a good diet plays a vital role in getting free of depression. Recommended by more than 90% of the medics in the world, this is a good step on the way to the affirmative side of your life. There is not at all any enchanted food that repairs depression. If depression has a control to make you overeat, you must try to regulate and start a well-adjusted diet. It will make you livelier. Chemicals and fundamentals like omega-fatty acid, folic acid etc. can support you get unrestricted from unhappiness. 

3. Get Enough Sleep

Depression can make it severe to get sufficient rest, and too little sleep can make depression eviler by adding salt to injury. Getting adequate sleep can help you in creating some changes in your lifestyle. Go to bed primary and rise early in the a.m. No more mobile phone, no more television, and no more snacks. Get your work finished on time and ease your body into no bodily work. 

4. Take on a Hobby

Get tangled. While you're at liberty, you indulge in undesirable thoughts and start over thinking. By embracing a hobby, you can effort in the free time as well. It is decidedly recommended by people who won their battle against depression. A pastime hobby can make your brain functioning authentic and you can concentrate on the determination of your life. 

5. Challenge Negative Thoughts

Every single person fighting combat against depression can surpass this disease by stimulating his own mind, his very own negative opinions. The foremost aim of getting into despair is negative feelings created by oneself. The following break you're feeling dreadful due to depression, use your logic contrary to these thoughts. Try to reflect about the vantage of your positivity and capabilities. You will feel like you are valueless but you're not for the reason that God has shaped every single person for a purpose. Find yours and murder these negative thoughts by your willpower.

The Depression Help brainwave recording offered by The Unexplainable Store uses two specific Frequencies - Delta and Mid Theta - to scatter depression in your mind and fill the body with a renewed sense of drive, and renewed hope. This powerful tool will give you the energy and desire to smile. Get the unique depression therapy now, start living happily again!

All the above mentioned techniques are reliable for every person. These methods don't require any kind of medication so it can work with everybody. Feeling better takes time, but you can get there by making positive choices for yourself each day.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Having a Prosperity Mindset – 5 Tips to Attract Wealth

The importance of money is inarguable. Having money is a key part of enjoying prosperity and this can be achieved through a number of ways and ordered steps. Prosperity comes with having a prosperity mindset coupled with being able to recognize opportunity and ultimately attracting wealth, success and abundance to yourself. This article will be sharing a couple of tips on ensuring prosperity. 


There is this saying about "givers never lacking in things". Sharing is one of the most positive mindsets a human being can have. From what you have, no matter how little, share with people who do not have. This action alone is enough to create a sense of wealth in your mind. Having a mindset like this is a huge motivation and drive to do more to make more. The spirit of giving is overwhelming and highly inspiring. 

2. Be free from debt

Whatever you have to do to settle all your debts, do it. Owing a person or people money keeps you enslaved and somewhat restricted from doing whatever you like. Debt throws you into a feeling of helplessness and makes you feel enslaved. Get out of your debts and never get back in. 

3. Speak Positively

Sometimes financial situations suck and could make you bothered. Do not complain or talk about this kind of negativity. It brings about a negative vibration which hinders the prosperity mindset that you are supposed to have. Talk about your finances when there is something positive to say about it. Say affirmative words to yourself such as "I have an unlimited source of wealth". Do not ever think prosperity is not coming your way. 

4. Pay attention to your health

The greatest wealth a person can have is good health. For you to enjoy your prosperity, you have to be healthy. Even to make enough money, you cannot do that on a sick bed. Keep your health status in check and make sure nothing stops you from doing the normal things you need to do every day. Remain healthy, fit and vibrant. It would go a long way in helping you attract success and abundance. 

5. Brainwave Entrainment

Employ the use of Brainwave Entrainment which is available at The Unexplainable Store. This product comes in form of recordings and will adjust the frequency of your brain so project the concept of money and prosperity really into your mind. It will give you the proper motivation and desire to do what you need to do in order to attract wealth, success and abundance. You can eliminate all forms of mental blocks that is hindering your prosperity and financial success. Check here to try this amazing product now, and start reaching for Prosperity!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Stunning Benefits of Classical Music

Although there were days in which the classical music reigned undisturbed, many people these days seem to forget about the beauty of this particular musical genre. The audience that enjoys classical music is rather narrow, people found in this group receiving a number of benefits they may not even be aware of. Do you remember affirmations saying that listening to classical music can increase your IQ? Well, these are not just far-fetched affirmations but are actually real facts that were tested with the help of scientific studies. Would you like to know what the benefits of listening to classical music are? Just take a look at the list below and seriously consider adding classical music to your playlist. 

• It keeps stress levels low

Almost each of us faces various stress levels every single day, some of us more than others. And we also know just how damaging stress can be, both on our mental and physical health, although we may find it hard to manage it. Well, according to a study in Taiwan, unrolled on a number of pregnant women that were asked to listen to classical music, researchers discovered that the music decreased their levels of anxiety and stress, in comparison with a group that did not listen to classical music. So next time you're stuck in traffic and feel stressed out, do play some classical music and enjoy its soothing action. 

• It improves your memory and brain's alertness

Even though you may be tempted to think that classical music will relax your mind a bit too much, the truth is that it will enhance your memory and make your brain more alert than usual. This is why playing this type of music in the background will help you study and work more efficiently. 

• It helps in pain management and fighting against depression

Pain makes us feel bad and even depressed. Whether you are trying to manage any kind of pain or you feel depressed, it is worth knowing that classical music can help. The Glasgow University unrolled a study on this matter and discovered that classical music makes our mind and body respond in a certain emotional way that helps us manage pain and depression much better. If you want to make sure that you get the most of the therapeutic benefits of classical music, you can always opt for Braintunning Classical, an entwining between brainwave entrainment technology and classical music that will boost your mental and physical energy. 

• It helps you sleep and rest better

Both elders and adults can benefit from the relaxing effect of classical music, mostly produced by the instruments used in making this kind of music, instruments like harp, orchestra, and piano, as studies reveal. If you play some soft classical music before bed, it will allow you to relax better and get ready for a good night sleep. 

• It helps you treat yourself with ease and feel good

One of the amazing benefits of classical music is that it helps us be more at ease with ourselves, accepting and loving who we are. It also stirs creativity in ourselves, both of these aspects being found by a study unrolled by the Edinburgh University on more than 36,000 music enthusiasts. 

• It makes you better at expressing your emotions

Due to a more relaxed state of mind, induced by playing classical music in the background, people found it easier to disclose and share personal experiences than in comparison with a scenario in which classical music was not present. At least this is the result obtained by the Southern Methodist University in a study concerning the effects of classical music on the communication of emotional states.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Tips to Sleep Better

Everyone has that moment at night during which they toss and turn, waiting for sleep to come. This moment lasts only for some minutes for some people while for others it could take a couple of hours or worse, the whole night. It does not make you feel good, right, but you should not feel like you are doomed either. There are certain things that you can do to have a better sleep, have a deep sleep and a healthy sleep. 

1. Have a strict sleep schedule and stick to it

The recommended amount of sleep is seven hours and if you are suffering from a kind of sleep disorder. You should strive to make sure you get seven to eight hours of sleep. You do not need anything more than this. The importance of sleep cannot be undermined, therefore schedule a sleeping time and wake up time for yourself. Sleep at the same time every day. This consistency helps your body adjust ultimately to correcting any sleep disorders you may be experiencing.

If you try to sleep and after 20 minutes the sleep is not coming, get off the bed and do something to relax. Read a book, listen to some sleep music and go back to bed. 

2. Eat and drink healthily

If you must eat heavy meals, make sure you do not eat few hours before you go to bed. These meals can make you uncomfortable. At the same time, do not go to bed hungry, the feeling of hunger could keep you up for much longer than you should. You should also take it easy on things like alcohol, caffeine and Nicotine; these things can hinder quality sleep and even though alcohol can induce sleep, you will eventually wake up later in the night. 

3. Keep your environment calm

To get a healthy sleep, your room should be restful enough to allow you to get a healthy sleep. Your room should be quiet, cool and dark. When it is time to sleep, you should reduce the amount of light in your room by turning off all the lights and any gadget that emits light. Consider wearing eye covers, earplugs to shut yourself out of distractions so you can get better sleep. 

4. Use sleep aid music

Usually we can't have a sleep quickly and deeply, because our mind is restless and its state of consciousness is not proper for sleep. With professionally-built brainwave entrainment recordings, it is no longer difficult to reach a quick relaxation state you've been desperately trying to get all night. The product works in different ways which include Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones, and naturally guides you from the beta, alpha to theta and then delta brain waves with no side effects.

Sleeping pills are not really advisable because you would have to rely on them every night so you can sleep. However, this sleep brainwave music is very effective in making sure you get a good sleep easily. No matter for insomnia cure, for deep healing, for short nap, you have the best tools for quality sleep. Get it from The Unexplainable Store now!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

4 Reasons You Should Meditate

Meditation is basically the art of silencing your mind in the midst of worldly turmoil. It makes you able to concentrate on your inner peace and it focuses on relaxing both, your body and your mind.

We live in a world where there is negativity and stress everywhere and there are times that this stress takes over our mind. We start thinking and feeling negative, we become tired without any reason and everything starts to look gloomy and stressed. Well, meditation is the key solution to all this situation where you lose control over your mind. Just as we need exercise for a healthy body similarly we need meditation for a healthy mind too!

Here we are going to jot down those 4 reasons/benefits of meditation which will then definitely help you in attaining inner peace!

· Stress reduction

As said earlier, we all have very busy and tough routines and we're now constantly in a state of stress where everything seems to go wrong. Meditation on the other hand is what you need to do in order to get rid of that stress. It allows you to have some down time where your body starts to produce mood enhancing chemicals like serotonin and stops the production of stress releasing chemicals.

· Slowing down the aging process

Yes, a healthy mind and a healthy body will ultimately lead you to a healthier life and your aging process starts to slow down. Your body stops the production of free radicals, these radicals are the molecules responsible for aging, tissue damage and other diseases too.

· Knowledge of inner self

Once you start meditating, you start knowing about your own self and that is very important . In order to know what you need in life and what is your life's purpose, you first need to know yourself and meditation actually helps a lot in that process. Things start to get clearer to you and your negative thoughts leave your body.

· Helping you sleep

According to a research, people who meditate on daily basis find it easy to sleep whereas those who don't meditate find it hard to sleep because even at night their mind stays at a high-gear. Meditation gives your mind a permanent peace and throughout the day you can feel that you are much peaceful and relaxed at mind. Ultimately your mind is in your control and it's easier for you to shut it down at night. A good sleep will lead you to a fresh morning and you will feel more powerful than ever.

There are so many ways through which you can meditate and attain your inner peace, and the most common among them is the meditation recordings. With certain healing meditation music, you can feel more relaxed and peaceful than ever, and even reach that state of ecstasy that will ultimately alter your consciousness. You can find some best meditation brainwave audios here at the Unexplainable Store, which will take you on an extra ordinary meditation journey!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

5 Ways to Boost the Human Growth Hormone (HGH) for Good Health

The Human Growth Hormone (HGH), also known as the growth hormone is a produced by the pituitary gland and it is an important element in body growth, cell metabolism, cell repair and the general composition of the body. HGH also help boost performance during exercise, increase strength levels, help recover from diseases and injury on time as well as help the growth of body muscles.

Sadly, there is a point in every person's lives at which the levels of HGH in the body begin to drop, and having the HGH levels reduced in the body may bear negative impacts on the health such as increasing disease risks and gaining unnecessary weight. Thankfully, there is a way out. There are ways the HGH can be boosted or released thereby ensuring good health and a fully functional body. It is important to have the HGH in the body at optimal levels so as to ensure quick recovery from injury, improved athletic performance and even a more effective weight-loss process. It is also important to know that having an increased HGH release in the body is largely affected by your choice of diet amongst other factors. This article will be discussing five evidence-based ways to boost the HGH levels.

1. Shed some body fat

High body fat levels in the body affects the HGH release in the body and this increases the risks of diseases. Studies have also shown that people who have triple the amount of normal belly fat had below half of the HGH level in lean people. Belly fat is a very dangerous form of stored fat and too much fat in the belly can cause various types of diseases. With reduced belly fat, HGH can be released in the body thereby leading to HGH boost.

2. Take less sugar

Sugar and carbs increase the level of insulin in the body. Insulin in turn hinders HGH release in the body and by reducing the amount of sugar you take, you can optimize the level of growth hormones. Sugar intake does not only increase insulin level, it also causes weight gain and ultimately obesity. Therefore, make sure you eat a balanced and healthy diet with as little sugar as possible so as to maintain an optimal level of HGH.

3. Engage in intensive exercises

To boost your HGH level, engaging in intensive workouts and exercises is a great way to make this happen. High-intensity workouts are highly metabolic and help increase the amount of lactic acid in the body. Coupled with the HGH boost, exercises also help reduce the level of fat in the body.

4. Optimize your sleep

The bulk of the HGH release in the body is done during sleep and the HGH tones available at The Unexplainable Store works very well to make sure you get quality sleep. However, to ensure that you get quality sleep, make sure you are not exposed to too much blue light while trying to sleep and also try to read a book before bedtime to relax your mind. Get 7–10 hours of quality sleep per night.

5. Use HGH tones

This unique product is safe and natural as it makes use of effective brainwave frequency patterns to stimulate the pituitary gland in the brain to produce more human growth hormones. The HGH Release and Sleep tones can be gotten at The Unexplainable Store where you can also get a lot of other brainwave products. Enjoy brainwave music, embrace health and happiness now.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Relaxation and Mental Health

Life can be very stressful and when it does, it is important to know how to deal with it. Many things go on daily in our lives such as work, study and our personal lives. When the pressure gets too much, relaxation is a very effective tool for looking after our health both physically and mentally. Relaxation does not only guarantee peace of mind it also decreases the effects of stress on the mind and body. A good relaxation technique reduces stress symptoms and improves the quality of your life. Having bubble baths with scented candles does not mean you are relaxing. Learning the right relaxation technique is at a low cost, little risk and it can be done anywhere. This article reveals the best way to relax. 

How can relaxation improve your mental health?

Creating an adequate relaxation time can reduce the stress of mental health conditions like depression, anxiety and schizophrenia. The other health benefits include:

1. Improved sleep
Sleep plays an important role as it makes sure the body regenerates the energy it has expended during the day. Creating time to relax every night before bed increases your chances of getting a quality sleep.

2. Reduced activity of stress hormones
Stress is a part of daily life and in small amounts it is not harmful as it motivates us to get somethings done. When it stretches over long periods, it can be harmful to your physical and mental health. Taking time to relax everyday can greatly reduce stress levels.

3. Improved mood and concentration
When you relax, your mood and concentration increases. All it takes is for you to relax your muscles as it helps you get through stress and keeps your anxiety under check.

4. Reduced chances of physical illness
Stress over long periods takes its toll on the body especially the heart. Relaxing regularly helps your body on the long run.

Others include:

5. Reduced heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate

6. Reduction in muscle tension and chronic pain

7. Reduced anger and frustration

8. Confidence boost to handle problems

9. Improved digestion

10. Maintaining of normal blood sugar levels

11. Increased blood flow to major muscles

Therapists have come to the realization that Audio Brainwave Simulation is a viable solution to helping people relax. To learn more about this relaxation technique, please visit

Following the brainwave audio program helps you to remove stress and relax your mind, which increases your concentration level and overall health. You will be amazed at the positive results as they will be apparent after your first try.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Reasons You Must Listen to Memory Boosting Music

Music is known to transcend time, personalities and even languages. The most viewed music video across the world as of today is Luis Fonsi's Despacito – a predominantly Spanish song that has people dancing across the world even when they can hardly sing along or understand most of the song's lyrics. Before that, it was PSY with Gangnam Style, a South Korean song which took the world within months of its release.

Along with being entertaining, helping during workouts and uplifting a person's mood, the right type of music is able to enhance a person's ability to memorize or remember events.

It might seem really strange but there are situations where an individual is unable to make a complete sentence, but can still sing their favorite song. Patients with amnesia, Alzheimer or dementia have been known to still sing along to their favorite song despite forgetting everything else.

Recent studies have shown that factors such as stress, emotions, food, and hormones have a significant impact on the how an individual remembers information. And since music is one of the elements that can reduce stress, alter emotions and influence the release of hormones such as dopamine or prolactin, it is safe to say that if we can capitalize on the effects of the right type of music, we can help people have more robust memories.

This article lists four reasons you must listen to memory boosting music as well as what songs to listen to for improved memory. 

1) Reduces stress

When a person is stressed, there is often an overwhelming level of negative thinking which clouds their brain. This is why when people are stressed at the workplace, for instance, they are unable to concentrate, focus or make calculated decisions. Stress could also cause a student to feel unmotivated to study. Listen to some special music can ease stress and thus increase concentration. 

2) Improves a person's mood

Music has been said to alter moods and talk to people and the saying remains true as of now. A person listening to hard rock music absorbs banging, clanging and loud slamming sounds and this could, in essence, get their adrenaline levels up. On the other hand, listening to the soothing sound of raindrops can release dopamine also known as the "happy hormone" which is sure to brighten a person's mood.
It is easier to read, understand and memorize things when you are in a brightened state of mind. 

3) Improves thought patterns

Studies have proven that the human brain operates by rhythms. We are able to absorb and process information as brainwaves. The Unexplainable Store has recorded great success with users via the Brainwave Audio Program. By listening to the rhythms in memory-boosting audios, they are able to study and thinking a lot better than before.

There is no gainsaying that as humans, we think, calculate, analyze and make better decisions when we are calm and organized. With the right audio brainwave stimulation, your thoughts would be patterned in organized musical rhythms for an improved memory. 

4) Clears the mind

Every human has a conscious and a subconscious mind. Most of our day to day activity utilizes the conscious mind. But memories are stored in the subconscious mind.

We never really "forget" anything… the truth is the memory of the event is still with us but we just can't access it. This is as a result of conscious blockage!

Conscious blockage causes people to have difficulty retrieving long term memories. Introducing the right sound or the right audio pattern into the brain via music can effectively remove the conscious blockage.

Studies have shown that although the conscious mind seemingly handles most of our daily activity, the subconscious mind handles the majority of our mental function, and as such can be described a powerhouse of knowledge that is mostly untapped. The subconscious mind is also where most of our memories reside.

Hypnosis is one of the ways people have forced into their subconscious mind but a better more natural way is audio brainwave stimulation. With the right brainwave stimulation, you can simply access events, situations, and feelings that may have previously been locked in your subconscious mind.

Many therapists are proposing Audio Brainwave Simulation as a viable method to helping patients who have PTSD recover.

To learn more about memory care and memory enhancing music, you can visit

This brainwave audio program helps you remove the blockages that prevent concentration and assimilation as well as, increase your focus, and strengthen your attention span.

Following the success of brainwave entrainment technology, you would be able to memorize and retrieve information a lot better. Passwords won't have to be written down. Keys won't get lost in the bizarre haze of half-memories. You will be able to schedule more efficiently, and deadlines will be a cinch.

This brainwave audio program comes in two different sessions. The first one focuses on long term memory, allowing you to retrieve memories you may have lost, while the other is a general stimulation of both short term and long term memory. You won't have to wait for results. They will be apparent even after your first try, guaranteed!

Friday, August 11, 2017

New Products - Guided Meditation and Meditation Music

The Unexplainable Store has currently launched a new collection of guided meditation and meditation music recordings.

These new meditation sessions connect to your hearts, bring you relaxation and calmness thus dissolving your anxiety, helping you make decisions with clarity of mind, embrace positive changes, and live with more peace, joy and harmony. You will learn to deal and cope with stress in a relaxed and positive manner.

The healing power of meditation will also evoke the sacred and bring us back to our true Self. Making meditation a daily habit, you will feel the hope, contentment, tranquility, happiness, gratitude, love and trust to create the life you want.

Just as breathing is the life of the body, meditation is the life of the soul. The busier we get, the more important meditation becomes. Meditation generally has the ability to reduce stress, foster clear thinking, improve emotional stability, and ease many health concerns. Through meditation, the Higher Self is experienced.

Get started and experience our 14 new meditation products!

Enjoy 30% OFF on New Arrivals  |  Aug 11-15, 2017 Only

May our journeys into soul bring us inner peace and harmony!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Living a Balanced Life the Chakra Way

When someone raises the question if the balances life, what does he mean? Is it about balancing a social life with a professional one? Balancing healthy habits and slightly decadent activities? Why is it important to lead a quality life? These are some of the questions that this article will be looking at.

What is a Balanced Life?

A person is said to have a balanced life if all when all of his chakras are balanced. According to people of old, the body is made up of seven chakras, each located in a different part of the body. Chakras are all represented by different colors, and they stand for different sectors of life. When all the chakras in a person are allowing that individual's internal energy to flow through his entire body, then his chakras are balanced. When chakras are not balanced, a person has to go through the process of chakra opening. Chakra opening is the process of 'healing' the inefficient chakra. Through the chakra opening process, you will be able to balance your chakras.

The Seven Chakras

Before you begin the process of opening a dysfunctional chakra, it is important to understand the seven chakras. They are the:

• Root chakra, represented by the color red, located at the base of the spine and symbolizing a person's grounding
• Sacral chakra, represented by the color orange. This chakra is found just below the navel, and it represents a person's ability to adjust to new surroundings and accept others
• Solar plexus chakra, indicated by color yellow. It is found at stomach level and usually stands for confidence and control
• Heart chakra, denoted by the color green. The heart chakra rests on the heart, and it is a symbol of love
• Throat chakra, located at the throat, denoted by the color blue and standing for communication
• Third-eye chakra, located between the eyes and represented by the color indigo. The third eye is a symbol of big-picture vision
• Crown chakra which is found at the top of the head. Denoted by violet, this chakra is the symbol of spiritual enlightenment

Balancing the seven chakras is important because it allows a person's energy to flow from his brain to his organs and back. When the energy flows, a person's body operates at optimum. If you do not balance your chakras, you risk emotional upheaval and physical illness.

How to Balance your Chakras

Balancing chakras involves making energy flow through the inefficient chakra. You can do this by:

• Meditating in a quiet space or with chakra opening music like the ones found at The Unexplainable Store. Meditating helps you focus on the color of the chakra that needs opening. When you focus on one chakra, it is easier to allow energy to flow through it

• Acupuncture: an acupuncture can stimulate the chakra by pressing against it

• Yoga: Yoga has specific poses for each chakra. Holding the position for a given chakra helps open it

Balancing your chakra is important because it allows your internal energy to flow. With good internal flow, you stay healthy physically and emotionally. Feeling rejuvenated and energized after balancing your chakra is a bonus.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

How to Sleep Better (with Color Noise)

Getting about eight hours of sleep each night is necessary for a healthy life. However, many people find it hard to sleep through those hours every night. Sleep is important. Too little, and a person will spend his or her days sluggish and drowsy. Too much and the result will be much of the same. The question remains, which are the best ways to make sure that you sleep better every night? Here are a few suggestions to that question.

Consistency in sleep

Some people treat sleep like a trade-off game. They get a little sleep now and then during the week, then compensate during the weekend. However, this compensation does more harm than good. It makes them drowsy and irritable all week long, and extremely tired over the weekends. To be able to sleep better, an individual must be consistent in his sleeping patterns by sleeping for seven to eight hours nightly. Also, he or she should avoid napping during the day because it makes it harder to fall asleep in the nighttime.

Avoiding Distractions

The bedroom should be a sacred place. A place for intimacy and sleep. Keeping gadgets such as laptops and television sets out of the bedroom makes falling asleep that much easier. And if someone cannot sleep, he or she should try counting sheep or stare into space until night comes.

Checking the time just before can also be problematic when it comes to falling asleep. After an individual sets his alarm, he should simply resist looking at the clock- it will keep him or her from worrying over tomorrows.


Physical exercise is not only good for losing weight or building muscles but also encouraging better quality sleep. When a person exercises, his or her body and mind tires. He or she relaxes after a workout. That makes it easier for him or her to fall asleep deeper and for longer.

Developing a Healthy Mind for Sleep

Sometimes one may have a hard time sleeping because they are too busy worrying about work, school or problems at home. Relieving their minds of these worries is the key to sleeping better for such people.

One way to cultivate a healthier mind is to meditate regularly. Meditation helps with calming the mind and sorting out emotion. Meditating can be done using silence, crystals or music. Some forms of yoga also make it easy to meditate.

Another way to help you calm your mind and sleep better is to utilize noise. It sounds contradictory to say use noise to fall asleep but is does work. The noise comes in various frequencies and powers, each bundle represented by a color. The most common color noise used in to treat sleep disorders include brown noise, white noise, and pink noise. White noise has high frequency and volume (power) and includes sounds like light rain falling or television static. Pink noise has balanced volume, and low frequencies whereas brown noise have even lower frequencies and volumes. Pink noise manifests as sounds such as heavy rain or strong winds while brown noise sounds like the deep hum of rushing water. Each of these noises suits a different person. Some people find it easy to sleep because white noise cancels out their backgrounds. Others relax with pink noise while others focus and understand more with brown noise. Anyone who is new to using noise to sleep can try it out at stores like The Unexplainable Store.

Rest is important for everyone. It ensures that each person can get through his or her day. Therefore, everyone should make an effort to rest better so as to live a healthier life.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Introspection: The Well of Spirit Guide

Modern life is chaotic. It is full of people who are always running from one corner of a city to the other. They are always moving, and some of them do not even know where they are going. How could they, when they are always on the move? In a world that runs on deadlines and achievement, it is tough to stay true to oneself. However, those who recognize the need to access their spirit guide always give themselves time to introspect and access their subconscious.

The subconscious mind is the part of the brain that people do not have access to when they are awake. Memories and the emotions they evoke are stored in this part of the brain. The subconscious is also the section of a person's mind that is responsible for their instinct and intuition. Introspection is a spiritual practice that allows a person to reach his or her spiritual guide, or unconscious mind, while awake. It helps him or her know himself better and understand the world more.

Common Forms of Introspection

Anyone can achieve introspection by trying one of the following methods:

• Meditation: Meditation is a form of introspection that allows a person to look into his or her subconscious by visualizing given situations. Meditating helps a person look at different situations he or she has been in. That way, he or she can analyze his or her decisions and actions

• Music therapy: music has been linked to inner awareness in many instances. That is because the vibrations that make up these beats can open up a person's third eye. The third eye is a chakra that enables those who can access it to be intuitive. Stores like The Unexplainable Store sell music that is tailored toward introspection

• Yoga: specific yoga poses allow an individual to reflect on his or her spiritual guide during introspection

Introspection by any of these methods does more than open a person to his or her subconscious. It changes the lives of those who practice it.

The Benefits of Introspection

It builds character: an introspective person can look at a situation and acknowledge whatever choices he made. He can look at his surroundings and notice what is wrong with the environment the come up with ways to deal with it. He is also better at making decisions because he analyzes the benefits and consequences.

It helps people know what they want: some people are 'born' knowing what they want to do, so it usually a matter of knowing how to get there. Contacting a spirit guide enables such individuals to figure out what paths they want to take to achieve their goals. Those who do not even know what their purpose in life is can realize it through introspection.

It makes the surrounding clearer: anybody who is not in touch with his own emotions cannot empathize with those of others. He does not realize his own strengths, so he is too afraid of the unknown to try anything new. Introspection helps with all of that.

A world full of people who do not know themselves needs leaders who do. Introspection is the best way to cultivate such leadership.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Fighting Cancer with DNA and Alternative Treatments

Cancer is one of the most dangerous conditions in the modern society. 8.8 million people worldwide died from cancer in 2015, and that is nearly 1 in 6 of all global deaths. The large number of people that cancer affects has led people to seek alternative treatments to the disease. Most of these alternative treatments are natural ways of fighting cancer. 

Alternative Ways to Fight Cancer

Cancer occurs in the body when part of a person's DNA is damaged within the body cells. These cells become cancerous and start multiplying to extents that the body cannot handles. As more and more cells divide, they pile up and start forming scar tissue. The accumulated tissue forms tumors which are usually harmless. However, if these tumors press against vital organs or blood vessels, they become dangerous.

To fight cancer and allow for body recovery, a doctor or physician must rid the body of the cancerous cells so that the body can do its own DNA repair and heal with time. Conventional ways of doing this include using chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery to kill off or remove the cells from the body. Alternative methods, those that are usually used alongside conventional therapies, include the following: 

1. Dieting

What people eat and drink determines how well they can fight off cancerous cells. Anyone who is suffering from cancer should have meals rich in fluids or fluid-only diets to keep up their strength. Additionally, they should eat foods rich in Vitamin C because this nutrient has cancer-cell-fighting properties.

Furthermore, to fight cancer people need to eat foods that are low in calories and glucose. By doing so, they starve off the cancer cells. When cancer cells are dead one can then begin the process of body recovery.

2. Alternative Medical Procedures

Using external radiation and surgery are conventional means of tackling cancer treatment, but they are not the only ones. Other medical procedures such a shock therapy also achieve the same goal. Admittedly, the conventional methods are sometimes safer to use than the unconventional medical procedures, but at other times the result is the same. An example of an alternative procedure is brachytherapy, the use of internal radiation, that is used to treat prostate cancer.

3. Meditation and Hypnotics

These two methods stimulate DNA repair which in turn fights cancer. By meditating or going under hypnosis, an individual can reach a state of consciousness called the delta state. In the delta stage, a person's body shuts out most other functions except self-healing. Anybody who can channel that energy into self-healing can achieve body recovery. The recovery could mean that the cancerous cells have been taken care of or that the side effects of conventional treatments have been ameliorated. Similarly, meditation helps a person with cancer to develop a positive outlook and will, tools that are important to fighting cancer.

Meditating to the sound of nature or to healing music (can be found on the Unexplainable Store) is effective in getting the body to heal itself.

As the battle against cancer rages on, it is good to know how to fight the global pandemic. One could fight it via conventional medicine or the less painful, natural alternatives.