Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Stunning Benefits of Classical Music

Although there were days in which the classical music reigned undisturbed, many people these days seem to forget about the beauty of this particular musical genre. The audience that enjoys classical music is rather narrow, people found in this group receiving a number of benefits they may not even be aware of. Do you remember affirmations saying that listening to classical music can increase your IQ? Well, these are not just far-fetched affirmations but are actually real facts that were tested with the help of scientific studies. Would you like to know what the benefits of listening to classical music are? Just take a look at the list below and seriously consider adding classical music to your playlist. 

• It keeps stress levels low

Almost each of us faces various stress levels every single day, some of us more than others. And we also know just how damaging stress can be, both on our mental and physical health, although we may find it hard to manage it. Well, according to a study in Taiwan, unrolled on a number of pregnant women that were asked to listen to classical music, researchers discovered that the music decreased their levels of anxiety and stress, in comparison with a group that did not listen to classical music. So next time you're stuck in traffic and feel stressed out, do play some classical music and enjoy its soothing action. 

• It improves your memory and brain's alertness

Even though you may be tempted to think that classical music will relax your mind a bit too much, the truth is that it will enhance your memory and make your brain more alert than usual. This is why playing this type of music in the background will help you study and work more efficiently. 

• It helps in pain management and fighting against depression

Pain makes us feel bad and even depressed. Whether you are trying to manage any kind of pain or you feel depressed, it is worth knowing that classical music can help. The Glasgow University unrolled a study on this matter and discovered that classical music makes our mind and body respond in a certain emotional way that helps us manage pain and depression much better. If you want to make sure that you get the most of the therapeutic benefits of classical music, you can always opt for Braintunning Classical, an entwining between brainwave entrainment technology and classical music that will boost your mental and physical energy. 

• It helps you sleep and rest better

Both elders and adults can benefit from the relaxing effect of classical music, mostly produced by the instruments used in making this kind of music, instruments like harp, orchestra, and piano, as studies reveal. If you play some soft classical music before bed, it will allow you to relax better and get ready for a good night sleep. 

• It helps you treat yourself with ease and feel good

One of the amazing benefits of classical music is that it helps us be more at ease with ourselves, accepting and loving who we are. It also stirs creativity in ourselves, both of these aspects being found by a study unrolled by the Edinburgh University on more than 36,000 music enthusiasts. 

• It makes you better at expressing your emotions

Due to a more relaxed state of mind, induced by playing classical music in the background, people found it easier to disclose and share personal experiences than in comparison with a scenario in which classical music was not present. At least this is the result obtained by the Southern Methodist University in a study concerning the effects of classical music on the communication of emotional states.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Tips to Sleep Better

Everyone has that moment at night during which they toss and turn, waiting for sleep to come. This moment lasts only for some minutes for some people while for others it could take a couple of hours or worse, the whole night. It does not make you feel good, right, but you should not feel like you are doomed either. There are certain things that you can do to have a better sleep, have a deep sleep and a healthy sleep. 

1. Have a strict sleep schedule and stick to it

The recommended amount of sleep is seven hours and if you are suffering from a kind of sleep disorder. You should strive to make sure you get seven to eight hours of sleep. You do not need anything more than this. The importance of sleep cannot be undermined, therefore schedule a sleeping time and wake up time for yourself. Sleep at the same time every day. This consistency helps your body adjust ultimately to correcting any sleep disorders you may be experiencing.

If you try to sleep and after 20 minutes the sleep is not coming, get off the bed and do something to relax. Read a book, listen to some sleep music and go back to bed. 

2. Eat and drink healthily

If you must eat heavy meals, make sure you do not eat few hours before you go to bed. These meals can make you uncomfortable. At the same time, do not go to bed hungry, the feeling of hunger could keep you up for much longer than you should. You should also take it easy on things like alcohol, caffeine and Nicotine; these things can hinder quality sleep and even though alcohol can induce sleep, you will eventually wake up later in the night. 

3. Keep your environment calm

To get a healthy sleep, your room should be restful enough to allow you to get a healthy sleep. Your room should be quiet, cool and dark. When it is time to sleep, you should reduce the amount of light in your room by turning off all the lights and any gadget that emits light. Consider wearing eye covers, earplugs to shut yourself out of distractions so you can get better sleep. 

4. Use sleep aid music

Usually we can't have a sleep quickly and deeply, because our mind is restless and its state of consciousness is not proper for sleep. With professionally-built brainwave entrainment recordings, it is no longer difficult to reach a quick relaxation state you've been desperately trying to get all night. The product works in different ways which include Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones, and naturally guides you from the beta, alpha to theta and then delta brain waves with no side effects.

Sleeping pills are not really advisable because you would have to rely on them every night so you can sleep. However, this sleep brainwave music is very effective in making sure you get a good sleep easily. No matter for insomnia cure, for deep healing, for short nap, you have the best tools for quality sleep. Get it from The Unexplainable Store now!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

4 Reasons You Should Meditate

Meditation is basically the art of silencing your mind in the midst of worldly turmoil. It makes you able to concentrate on your inner peace and it focuses on relaxing both, your body and your mind.

We live in a world where there is negativity and stress everywhere and there are times that this stress takes over our mind. We start thinking and feeling negative, we become tired without any reason and everything starts to look gloomy and stressed. Well, meditation is the key solution to all this situation where you lose control over your mind. Just as we need exercise for a healthy body similarly we need meditation for a healthy mind too!

Here we are going to jot down those 4 reasons/benefits of meditation which will then definitely help you in attaining inner peace!

· Stress reduction

As said earlier, we all have very busy and tough routines and we're now constantly in a state of stress where everything seems to go wrong. Meditation on the other hand is what you need to do in order to get rid of that stress. It allows you to have some down time where your body starts to produce mood enhancing chemicals like serotonin and stops the production of stress releasing chemicals.

· Slowing down the aging process

Yes, a healthy mind and a healthy body will ultimately lead you to a healthier life and your aging process starts to slow down. Your body stops the production of free radicals, these radicals are the molecules responsible for aging, tissue damage and other diseases too.

· Knowledge of inner self

Once you start meditating, you start knowing about your own self and that is very important . In order to know what you need in life and what is your life's purpose, you first need to know yourself and meditation actually helps a lot in that process. Things start to get clearer to you and your negative thoughts leave your body.

· Helping you sleep

According to a research, people who meditate on daily basis find it easy to sleep whereas those who don't meditate find it hard to sleep because even at night their mind stays at a high-gear. Meditation gives your mind a permanent peace and throughout the day you can feel that you are much peaceful and relaxed at mind. Ultimately your mind is in your control and it's easier for you to shut it down at night. A good sleep will lead you to a fresh morning and you will feel more powerful than ever.

There are so many ways through which you can meditate and attain your inner peace, and the most common among them is the meditation recordings. With certain healing meditation music, you can feel more relaxed and peaceful than ever, and even reach that state of ecstasy that will ultimately alter your consciousness. You can find some best meditation brainwave audios here at the Unexplainable Store, which will take you on an extra ordinary meditation journey!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

5 Ways to Boost the Human Growth Hormone (HGH) for Good Health

The Human Growth Hormone (HGH), also known as the growth hormone is a produced by the pituitary gland and it is an important element in body growth, cell metabolism, cell repair and the general composition of the body. HGH also help boost performance during exercise, increase strength levels, help recover from diseases and injury on time as well as help the growth of body muscles.

Sadly, there is a point in every person's lives at which the levels of HGH in the body begin to drop, and having the HGH levels reduced in the body may bear negative impacts on the health such as increasing disease risks and gaining unnecessary weight. Thankfully, there is a way out. There are ways the HGH can be boosted or released thereby ensuring good health and a fully functional body. It is important to have the HGH in the body at optimal levels so as to ensure quick recovery from injury, improved athletic performance and even a more effective weight-loss process. It is also important to know that having an increased HGH release in the body is largely affected by your choice of diet amongst other factors. This article will be discussing five evidence-based ways to boost the HGH levels.

1. Shed some body fat

High body fat levels in the body affects the HGH release in the body and this increases the risks of diseases. Studies have also shown that people who have triple the amount of normal belly fat had below half of the HGH level in lean people. Belly fat is a very dangerous form of stored fat and too much fat in the belly can cause various types of diseases. With reduced belly fat, HGH can be released in the body thereby leading to HGH boost.

2. Take less sugar

Sugar and carbs increase the level of insulin in the body. Insulin in turn hinders HGH release in the body and by reducing the amount of sugar you take, you can optimize the level of growth hormones. Sugar intake does not only increase insulin level, it also causes weight gain and ultimately obesity. Therefore, make sure you eat a balanced and healthy diet with as little sugar as possible so as to maintain an optimal level of HGH.

3. Engage in intensive exercises

To boost your HGH level, engaging in intensive workouts and exercises is a great way to make this happen. High-intensity workouts are highly metabolic and help increase the amount of lactic acid in the body. Coupled with the HGH boost, exercises also help reduce the level of fat in the body.

4. Optimize your sleep

The bulk of the HGH release in the body is done during sleep and the HGH tones available at The Unexplainable Store works very well to make sure you get quality sleep. However, to ensure that you get quality sleep, make sure you are not exposed to too much blue light while trying to sleep and also try to read a book before bedtime to relax your mind. Get 7–10 hours of quality sleep per night.

5. Use HGH tones

This unique product is safe and natural as it makes use of effective brainwave frequency patterns to stimulate the pituitary gland in the brain to produce more human growth hormones. The HGH Release and Sleep tones can be gotten at The Unexplainable Store where you can also get a lot of other brainwave products. Enjoy brainwave music, embrace health and happiness now.