Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Living a Balanced Life the Chakra Way

When someone raises the question if the balances life, what does he mean? Is it about balancing a social life with a professional one? Balancing healthy habits and slightly decadent activities? Why is it important to lead a quality life? These are some of the questions that this article will be looking at.

What is a Balanced Life?

A person is said to have a balanced life if all when all of his chakras are balanced. According to people of old, the body is made up of seven chakras, each located in a different part of the body. Chakras are all represented by different colors, and they stand for different sectors of life. When all the chakras in a person are allowing that individual's internal energy to flow through his entire body, then his chakras are balanced. When chakras are not balanced, a person has to go through the process of chakra opening. Chakra opening is the process of 'healing' the inefficient chakra. Through the chakra opening process, you will be able to balance your chakras.

The Seven Chakras

Before you begin the process of opening a dysfunctional chakra, it is important to understand the seven chakras. They are the:

• Root chakra, represented by the color red, located at the base of the spine and symbolizing a person's grounding
• Sacral chakra, represented by the color orange. This chakra is found just below the navel, and it represents a person's ability to adjust to new surroundings and accept others
• Solar plexus chakra, indicated by color yellow. It is found at stomach level and usually stands for confidence and control
• Heart chakra, denoted by the color green. The heart chakra rests on the heart, and it is a symbol of love
• Throat chakra, located at the throat, denoted by the color blue and standing for communication
• Third-eye chakra, located between the eyes and represented by the color indigo. The third eye is a symbol of big-picture vision
• Crown chakra which is found at the top of the head. Denoted by violet, this chakra is the symbol of spiritual enlightenment

Balancing the seven chakras is important because it allows a person's energy to flow from his brain to his organs and back. When the energy flows, a person's body operates at optimum. If you do not balance your chakras, you risk emotional upheaval and physical illness.

How to Balance your Chakras

Balancing chakras involves making energy flow through the inefficient chakra. You can do this by:

• Meditating in a quiet space or with chakra opening music like the ones found at The Unexplainable Store. Meditating helps you focus on the color of the chakra that needs opening. When you focus on one chakra, it is easier to allow energy to flow through it

• Acupuncture: an acupuncture can stimulate the chakra by pressing against it

• Yoga: Yoga has specific poses for each chakra. Holding the position for a given chakra helps open it

Balancing your chakra is important because it allows your internal energy to flow. With good internal flow, you stay healthy physically and emotionally. Feeling rejuvenated and energized after balancing your chakra is a bonus.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

How to Sleep Better (with Color Noise)

Getting about eight hours of sleep each night is necessary for a healthy life. However, many people find it hard to sleep through those hours every night. Sleep is important. Too little, and a person will spend his or her days sluggish and drowsy. Too much and the result will be much of the same. The question remains, which are the best ways to make sure that you sleep better every night? Here are a few suggestions to that question.

Consistency in sleep

Some people treat sleep like a trade-off game. They get a little sleep now and then during the week, then compensate during the weekend. However, this compensation does more harm than good. It makes them drowsy and irritable all week long, and extremely tired over the weekends. To be able to sleep better, an individual must be consistent in his sleeping patterns by sleeping for seven to eight hours nightly. Also, he or she should avoid napping during the day because it makes it harder to fall asleep in the nighttime.

Avoiding Distractions

The bedroom should be a sacred place. A place for intimacy and sleep. Keeping gadgets such as laptops and television sets out of the bedroom makes falling asleep that much easier. And if someone cannot sleep, he or she should try counting sheep or stare into space until night comes.

Checking the time just before can also be problematic when it comes to falling asleep. After an individual sets his alarm, he should simply resist looking at the clock- it will keep him or her from worrying over tomorrows.


Physical exercise is not only good for losing weight or building muscles but also encouraging better quality sleep. When a person exercises, his or her body and mind tires. He or she relaxes after a workout. That makes it easier for him or her to fall asleep deeper and for longer.

Developing a Healthy Mind for Sleep

Sometimes one may have a hard time sleeping because they are too busy worrying about work, school or problems at home. Relieving their minds of these worries is the key to sleeping better for such people.

One way to cultivate a healthier mind is to meditate regularly. Meditation helps with calming the mind and sorting out emotion. Meditating can be done using silence, crystals or music. Some forms of yoga also make it easy to meditate.

Another way to help you calm your mind and sleep better is to utilize noise. It sounds contradictory to say use noise to fall asleep but is does work. The noise comes in various frequencies and powers, each bundle represented by a color. The most common color noise used in to treat sleep disorders include brown noise, white noise, and pink noise. White noise has high frequency and volume (power) and includes sounds like light rain falling or television static. Pink noise has balanced volume, and low frequencies whereas brown noise have even lower frequencies and volumes. Pink noise manifests as sounds such as heavy rain or strong winds while brown noise sounds like the deep hum of rushing water. Each of these noises suits a different person. Some people find it easy to sleep because white noise cancels out their backgrounds. Others relax with pink noise while others focus and understand more with brown noise. Anyone who is new to using noise to sleep can try it out at stores like The Unexplainable Store.

Rest is important for everyone. It ensures that each person can get through his or her day. Therefore, everyone should make an effort to rest better so as to live a healthier life.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Introspection: The Well of Spirit Guide

Modern life is chaotic. It is full of people who are always running from one corner of a city to the other. They are always moving, and some of them do not even know where they are going. How could they, when they are always on the move? In a world that runs on deadlines and achievement, it is tough to stay true to oneself. However, those who recognize the need to access their spirit guide always give themselves time to introspect and access their subconscious.

The subconscious mind is the part of the brain that people do not have access to when they are awake. Memories and the emotions they evoke are stored in this part of the brain. The subconscious is also the section of a person's mind that is responsible for their instinct and intuition. Introspection is a spiritual practice that allows a person to reach his or her spiritual guide, or unconscious mind, while awake. It helps him or her know himself better and understand the world more.

Common Forms of Introspection

Anyone can achieve introspection by trying one of the following methods:

• Meditation: Meditation is a form of introspection that allows a person to look into his or her subconscious by visualizing given situations. Meditating helps a person look at different situations he or she has been in. That way, he or she can analyze his or her decisions and actions

• Music therapy: music has been linked to inner awareness in many instances. That is because the vibrations that make up these beats can open up a person's third eye. The third eye is a chakra that enables those who can access it to be intuitive. Stores like The Unexplainable Store sell music that is tailored toward introspection

• Yoga: specific yoga poses allow an individual to reflect on his or her spiritual guide during introspection

Introspection by any of these methods does more than open a person to his or her subconscious. It changes the lives of those who practice it.

The Benefits of Introspection

It builds character: an introspective person can look at a situation and acknowledge whatever choices he made. He can look at his surroundings and notice what is wrong with the environment the come up with ways to deal with it. He is also better at making decisions because he analyzes the benefits and consequences.

It helps people know what they want: some people are 'born' knowing what they want to do, so it usually a matter of knowing how to get there. Contacting a spirit guide enables such individuals to figure out what paths they want to take to achieve their goals. Those who do not even know what their purpose in life is can realize it through introspection.

It makes the surrounding clearer: anybody who is not in touch with his own emotions cannot empathize with those of others. He does not realize his own strengths, so he is too afraid of the unknown to try anything new. Introspection helps with all of that.

A world full of people who do not know themselves needs leaders who do. Introspection is the best way to cultivate such leadership.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Fighting Cancer with DNA and Alternative Treatments

Cancer is one of the most dangerous conditions in the modern society. 8.8 million people worldwide died from cancer in 2015, and that is nearly 1 in 6 of all global deaths. The large number of people that cancer affects has led people to seek alternative treatments to the disease. Most of these alternative treatments are natural ways of fighting cancer. 

Alternative Ways to Fight Cancer

Cancer occurs in the body when part of a person's DNA is damaged within the body cells. These cells become cancerous and start multiplying to extents that the body cannot handles. As more and more cells divide, they pile up and start forming scar tissue. The accumulated tissue forms tumors which are usually harmless. However, if these tumors press against vital organs or blood vessels, they become dangerous.

To fight cancer and allow for body recovery, a doctor or physician must rid the body of the cancerous cells so that the body can do its own DNA repair and heal with time. Conventional ways of doing this include using chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery to kill off or remove the cells from the body. Alternative methods, those that are usually used alongside conventional therapies, include the following: 

1. Dieting

What people eat and drink determines how well they can fight off cancerous cells. Anyone who is suffering from cancer should have meals rich in fluids or fluid-only diets to keep up their strength. Additionally, they should eat foods rich in Vitamin C because this nutrient has cancer-cell-fighting properties.

Furthermore, to fight cancer people need to eat foods that are low in calories and glucose. By doing so, they starve off the cancer cells. When cancer cells are dead one can then begin the process of body recovery.

2. Alternative Medical Procedures

Using external radiation and surgery are conventional means of tackling cancer treatment, but they are not the only ones. Other medical procedures such a shock therapy also achieve the same goal. Admittedly, the conventional methods are sometimes safer to use than the unconventional medical procedures, but at other times the result is the same. An example of an alternative procedure is brachytherapy, the use of internal radiation, that is used to treat prostate cancer.

3. Meditation and Hypnotics

These two methods stimulate DNA repair which in turn fights cancer. By meditating or going under hypnosis, an individual can reach a state of consciousness called the delta state. In the delta stage, a person's body shuts out most other functions except self-healing. Anybody who can channel that energy into self-healing can achieve body recovery. The recovery could mean that the cancerous cells have been taken care of or that the side effects of conventional treatments have been ameliorated. Similarly, meditation helps a person with cancer to develop a positive outlook and will, tools that are important to fighting cancer.

Meditating to the sound of nature or to healing music (can be found on the Unexplainable Store) is effective in getting the body to heal itself.

As the battle against cancer rages on, it is good to know how to fight the global pandemic. One could fight it via conventional medicine or the less painful, natural alternatives.