Thursday, January 28, 2016

Build Self Confidence Like a President!

As they say, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. It’s all in your hands. Just don’t think so much about what others think of you. Since, this is the first mindset that waters down the confidence and pushes a person into various facets of depression. There are of course numerous definitions of confidence, but the first definition is “Ignorance”. Once you ignore people, or the perception your mind has created, and accept who you’re and revel in it, you transform yourself into something “Bigger”; you transforms yourself into a person who achieves things in life, rather than just wishing about them or cursing his destiny nonstop.

What do we do to build confidence? Well, we look for our favorite personality and try to duplicate it. This is the biggest gaffe we ever make in our life. Copying anyone doesn’t turn us into him/her or inject doses of confidence inside our veins. It just hands us temporary relief. However, at the same time, it impels us to feel the guilt that we aren’t who we “actually” are. Therefore, the first step is to build and trust your own identity. You aren’t lesser than any superstar. You’ve the ability to outsmart them, again and again, and again.

There are millions of confidence-building exercises, but I’ve put together a few tricks that make you feel like a president in under 2 minutes. They’ve the immense power to make people feel that you’re something – something larger than life, and better-than-them.

- Positive Thinking As coffees turn into contracts, the positive mindset turns into confidence as well. Usually, people attempt to emerge confident through body language, or elite performances in work, but the thing they don’t perceive is that everything begins in their mind. If their thinking isn’t positive, their body language or appearance won’t be positive either. For that reason, do your utmost to dominate your mind. Close your eyes for a few minutes, before every unusual moment, and think positive outcome. Imagine what would you do when you’ll be in that particular situation and how would you feel after it.

- Dress Nicely… Through dressing, if you’re feeling good, successful, and presentable like you’re ready to tackle the world, nothing can impede your marching feet. Now, it doesn’t mean challenging your pockets (it’s always nice to wear expensive clothes; isn’t it?), just look nice and presentable through casual outfits. If it’s possible for you to outsmart others through clothing, and if it’s fine to spend a tad more money, then do that too. The key aim is to have a perfect dressing sense, so that you can look good and feel good all the time.

- Walk Faster… Confident people, with high self esteem, always walk a tad faster than normal people. Don’t believe me? Google some videos of presidents and even celebrities and canvass their walking style. They walk a tad fast and, in a way, exhibit that they’ve places to go, people to see, and important work to do. This turns them into elite and significant persons in our eyes; we respect them, and take their words more seriously as well. Besides, this confidence building exercise transforms you into an enthusiastic person too, as it doesn’t only correct the posture, but also make you feel more empowered.

On the whole, confidence is important; if you don’t have it, luckily, it’s possible to get it back. Though, there are brilliant confidence building exercisesthey are transcending all of them through their tracks – developed by the experts of Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones. Their tracks create two different frequency waves that impel your brain to create a third tone, which causes a shift in consciousness. This advanced technology has been tested and changed the lives of numerous people in mere minutes. It’s even adopted by the some pro physicians.

“The way to develop self-confidence is to do the things you fear
and get a record of successful experiences behind you.”

- William Jennings Bryan

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Natural Hair Growth Remedies!

According to Ivana Trump, “Gorgeous Hair is the Best Revenge!” And, it’s 100% true. We all love beautiful and healthy hairs, as they aren’t only the symbol of beauty, but also compliment the overall persona. In other words, their condition plays a deciding a role in your life, over and over again. Therefore, people from all regions consistently search for natural hair growth remedies. They contact hair experts in order to order to ask for those remedies that are safe and effective. Since, no one wants to use those harmful chemicals or tactics that damage the natural health of hair in a long run, and sign the death warrants of his/her overall beauty.

If you want those shiny hairs like the promises of magazines, below are a few exceptional natural hair growth remedies that work wonders and stimulate hair growth process at once.

- Onion Juice… Believe it or not, onion juice is actually the best way to stimulate hair growth. It’s rich in sulphur that increase collagen production and facilitate in re-growth of hair. Experts explain that human’s hair is made up of proteins, out of which keratin gives them strength – as it has abundance of sulphur in it. Therefore, when we use onion juice as a hair growth remedy, it stimulates hair growth process and makes your hair shiny and healthier. Just get red onions, chop them into small pieces, squeeze out their juice, and apply them on your scalp carefully and keep them for at least 15 minutes. Next, rinse off with a mild shampoo. This will gently cleanse the scalp and accelerate hair growth naturally.

- Scalp Massage… Scalp massage isn’t a joke! It’s pertinent to take it seriously, since massaging scalp each day improves circulation that eventually result in hair growth. Now, you don’t have to massage once for 60 minutes; just massage scalp 5 minutes each day, with hot oil treatment. Get some coconut or olive oil and heat in a microwave. Heating them for a minute will facilitate them penetrate the hair shaft easily and also reduce dandruff.

- Potato Juice… Just like onion juice, potato juice also does wonders when it comes to hair growth. It has a wide range of properties that suits almost all kinds of hairs. In fact, unlike onion juice, they help in curing thinning of hair due to ‘alopecia’. If you’re struggling with thin hair, it’s better to use potato juice more than the onion juice. Furthermore, potatoes are quite rich in vitamin A, B, and C. When you body lacks these vitamins, it affects your hair – make them dry and fragile. For that reason, hair experts often impel their customers to apply potato juice mask on the root of their hair directly for 15 minutes. However, in order to create that mask, you need 3 potatoes, 1 egg yolk, and 1 tablespoon of honey.

- Healthy Diet… Diet also plays an imperative role in hair growth. If your diet isn’t good, and if it comprises fast foods mostly, then in a way it’s damaging your hair’s health and beauty as well. Therefore, have that diet which is rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals – such as, milk, cheese, yogurt, chicken, eggs, whole grains, salmon, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, parsley, grape fruit, brown bread, fish, walnuts, beans, olive oil, orange, carrot, and etc.

Can you stimulate hair growth through your headphones? Yes! You can, with the help of Brainwave Entrainment. The professionals of The Unexplainable Store have developed hair loss recordings that release growth hormone and reduce hair loss. Want to know more about this amazing technology? Get Hair Loss Recording, and read their amazing benefits.

Hair is an accoutrement. Hair is Jewelry. Hair is an accessory…

Hair makes you beautiful, sexier, and gorgeous. So, love them.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

How to Take Action through Meditation

More often than not there is a single answer of why you do not get up, take action and pursue your dreams. It’s simple and can be found at the root of virtually any excuse.


In order to go beyond self-doubt and stagnation, consider this- when you understand and believe in your universal consciousness, the essence that connects you to all the Universe, even the same Dive Intelligence that is at the center of it all.  When you understand your true self, you have access to that spark of Infinite Reality, and your temporary self, which was conditioned by outside limited possibilities.

By believing in your Oneness, and identifying it within yourself, you have created a point of concentration for your Universal Consciousness; you realize you are not alone and are guided by Divine Intelligence. 

The most effective way to get to your core being with an open heart and mind that will give you the ability to step up and take action… In fact, it is the key to your action filled life.

Combined with mediation, here are 5 ways to put that consciousness into motion.

1. Your thoughts create your life. This means while in meditation, set yourself up with thoughts that reflect your Higher Mind.

2. During, before and after mediation continue to remind yourself of your true nature. Knowing who you are and your relationship to the Universal Consciousness is the way to remove your self-doubt.

3. Know that when you consistently practicing mediation in your life- you are living in your Oneness. You are not alone. In fact, everything you put into motion has the power of the Divine Intelligence.

4.  Constantly visualize you own mind working through your Higher Mind, which you have found in meditation. I know this had been said a handful of times already. However, this is vital to understanding and feeling your mind unfold to its true form. 

5. When that good that you have sought out comes into your life, thank and give credit to your Universal Consciousness. Always redirect your thoughts through your Consciousness, this will help you stay in that spiritual pocket.

Throughout this article, we have discussed how to put action into your meditation and create action through mediation. If there is one way I hope you walk away with, here it is: Always remember the Divine Intelligence within you, which is the same Universal Consciousness that is around you. By living with that knowledge, you hold the key to creating so much beauty in the world; simply, know your true-self.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Meditation and Removing Limiting Beliefs

Self-belief is so important when we creating our lives as, “spiritual beings having a human experience.” We behave as if each belief directed by outside experiences is absolutely true, even though they often go against everything we know to be our true-self. These false beliefs create the worst, most depilating statement you can tell yourself … I CAN’T.
So, instead of beating your head against a wall, here are 4 ways to help you remove those false beliefs and align your potential to the actual.
1. Replace those negative statements with truth. Instead of repeating misdirected statements of judgement, remind yourself – “you can”, “it’s possible”, or “I am capable.” Please remember, that replacing negatives with positive takes time, and consistency. Be kind to yourself, it’s a process and you can do it!
2.  Let go of the past! You are not your past, because the past no longer exists. All there is, is now. All those horrible things that you were told you are, or names you were called, did not and does not exist. Know this, believe this… right now, you can!
3.  There are no failures, just outcomes that provide lessons. Those lessons will help you grow; and in this moment you are better for it. Now that sounds like success!
4. Meditation allows you to see your True-Self. By practicing meditation you find yourself, whole, capable and in the present moment.
By setting aside your limiting beliefs, you now can live in truth. A truth that knows, you can. Knowing that, you now have the confidence to let go of your previous beliefs. With those limiting beliefs behind you, and an understanding of “failure” you can get out there and create the world you want!