Friday, April 4, 2014

What Benefits you can expect from Brainwave?

Here are some possible effects of Brainwave Entrainment observed in people.

***Help in meditation

One of the most significant effect of meditation is that brings a change in one's brain frequency to a lower state such as alpha, theta or delta. While meditators have traditionally spent several years to learn the techniques of meditation, one can now attain the same meditative feeling using brainwave entrainment. No special training or great discipline is required. It is quick, easy and can be done at home. Normally meditation frequencies are observed in the alpha range, from 8Hz to 13Hz.

***Reducing learning time

The theta stage (4hz - 7Hz) has been found to increase learning capabilities. In fact, children spend more time in theta stage than adults, which probably explains the accelerated learning capabilities of children.
Alpha frequencies are also useful for learning purposes. You can play language cassettes, subliminal tapes, etc. during an entrainment session for a maximum effect.

***Reducing sleep needs

Some people have found that half an hour a day of the Theta stage can replace up to 4 hours of sleep.

***Treatment of certain mental diseases

Brainwave entrainment is used in treatment of depression, low self-esteem, attention deficit disorder, drug and alcohol addiction and autism, to name a few. Brainwave entrainment has also been found helpful in alleviating headaches and migraines.

Here are also some of the health benefits that regular Brainwave Entrainment users have experienced.

***Reduce or eliminate depression. You will begin to feel happier, more positive and energetic without needing to rely on anti-depressants. Your body will release its own feel-good chemicals.

***Fall asleep quickly and have a deep and restful sleep. Say goodnight to insomnia once and for all, without any sleeping pills.

***Melt away stress, tension and anxiety. Stress is one of the consequences of the hurried and harried lives we live today. Manage it in a positive and constructive way.

***Bring your blood-pressure rate down.

***Alleviate headaches/migraines without having to take any medication. Even those who suffer from chronic headaches and migraines have reported that their headaches are now gone for good.

***Boost your immune system. Stay healthy and fight disease from within by boosting your immune system from within.

***Athletes and sports people can improve their physical performance by listening to a session of brainwave entrainment before playing.

***For women only: Get shot of those dreaded PMS symptoms and mood swings once and for all. No need to turn into a monster at that time of the month.

***Finally get rid of addictions that have been damaging your health for years. Smoking, addiction to prescription drugs and even addiction to illegal drugs. Brainwave entrainment is one of the cutting edge tools that is now being used to treat various types of addictions.

The Unexplainable Store

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